Hello! Looking for a speech-language pathologist / speech and language therapist?
The Speech-Language Pathology "START PAGE" began in 1998 as a private reference page that enabled quick access to regularly visited sites, especially while web-weaving. I used it so frequently that eventually the obvious course was to set it as my default home page. If most of your Internet use is Speech-Language Pathology / Speech and Language Therapy related, try this as your own start page. The links are reviewed regularly and have an overall connection rate of at least 93%.
Articles, Freebies, Links, Word Lists, Worksheets
Articles and Links of Professional Interest to Speech-Language Pathologists / Speech and Language Therapists
Bowen (2015) Children's Speech Sound Disorders, 2nd edition, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell
Controversial Practices in Children's Speech Sound Disorders - Oral Motor Exercises, Dietary Supplements, Auditory Integration Training
Controversial Practices - Oral Motor Therapies - readings, abstracts, references
Continuing Professional Development Links
How to make a worksheet to upload to the Internet
Speechwoman's Sites of the Month Since 1998
Webwords ~29~ ~35~ ~42~ ~43~ ~44~ ~45~ ~46~ ~47~ ~48~ ~49~ ~50~ ~51~ 52 ~ 53 ~ 54 ~ 55 ~ 56 ~ 57 ~ 58 ~ 59 ~ 60 ~ 61
Word Lists for Focused Auditory Input, Phonological Intervention, and Articulation Therapy
Word Lists: Minimal Pairs
Worksheets: Consonants, Clusters, and Vowels
Worksheets: Complexity Principles; Lexical Properties, Markedness, SSP, Phonotactics, Facilitative Contexts
Worksheets: Contrasts; Minimal Pairs; Near Minimal Pairs
Worksheets: Maximal Oppositions (Minimal Pairs)
Worksheets: Revisions and Repairs and the fixed-up-one routine
Worksheets: Within Word ("Medial") Consonants
Worksheets: Long Words

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Bowen, C. (1998). Developmental phonological disorders: A practical guide for families and teachers. Melbourne: The Australian Council for Educational Research. OUT OF PRINT

Bowen, C. & Fortin, R. (2007). Les difficultés phonologiques chez l'enfant: guide à l'intention des familles, des enseignants et des intervenants en petite enfance, Caroline Bowen ; Rachel Fortin, traductrice et adaptatrice. Montréal: Chenelière-éducation. Order from the Publisher

Bowen, C., & Rippon, H. (2013). Consonant Clusters: Alliterative Stories and Activities for Phonological Intervention. Cowling, Keighley: Black Sheep Press. Order from the Publisher

Bowen, C. (2023). Children's Speech Sound Disorders, 3rd ed., Wiley-Blackwell. UK | AU | Amazon

Bowen, C. & Snow, P. (2017). Making Sense of Interventions for Children with Developmental Disorders. Guildford: The book's page on J&R Press's site | Amazon | Kindle | References.