* LINKS: The Speech-Language Pathology "START PAGE"

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Hello! Looking for a speech-language pathologist / speech and language therapist?

The Speech-Language Pathology "START PAGE" began in 1998 as a private reference page that enabled quick access to regularly visited sites, especially while web-weaving. I used it so frequently that eventually the obvious course was to set it as my default home page. If most of your Internet use is Speech-Language Pathology / Speech and Language Therapy related, try this as your own start page. The links are reviewed regularly and have an overall connection rate of at least 93%.

Articles, Freebies, Links, Word Lists, Worksheets

Articles and Links of Professional Interest to Speech-Language Pathologists / Speech and Language Therapists
Bowen (2015) Children's Speech Sound Disorders, 2nd edition, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell
Controversial Practices in Children's Speech Sound Disorders - Oral Motor Exercises, Dietary Supplements, Auditory Integration Training
Controversial Practices - Oral Motor Therapies - readings, abstracts, references
Continuing Professional Development Links
How to make a worksheet to upload to the Internet
Speechwoman's Sites of the Month Since 1998
Webwords ~29~ ~35~ ~42~  ~43~  ~44~  ~45~  ~46~  ~47~  ~48~  ~49~  ~50~ ~51~ 52 ~ 53 ~ 54 ~ 55 ~ 56 ~ 57 ~ 58 ~ 59 ~ 60 ~ 61
Word Lists for Focused Auditory Input, Phonological Intervention, and Articulation Therapy
Word Lists: Minimal Pairs
Worksheets: Consonants, Clusters, and Vowels

Worksheets: Complexity Principles; Lexical Properties, Markedness, SSP, Phonotactics, Facilitative Contexts

Worksheets: Contrasts; Minimal Pairs; Near Minimal Pairs

Worksheets: Maximal Oppositions (Minimal Pairs)
Worksheets: Revisions and Repairs and the fixed-up-one routine

Worksheets: Within Word ("Medial") Consonants
Worksheets: Long Words

Please consider donating to the upkeep of this site. THANK YOU!














Bowen, C. (1998). Developmental phonological disorders: A practical guide for families and teachers. Melbourne: The Australian Council for Educational Research. OUT OF PRINT














Bowen, C. & Fortin, R. (2007). Les difficultés phonologiques chez l'enfant: guide à l'intention des familles, des enseignants et des intervenants en petite enfance, Caroline Bowen ; Rachel Fortin, traductrice et adaptatrice. Montréal: Chenelière-éducation. Order from the Publisher









Bowen, C., & Rippon, H. (2013). Consonant Clusters: Alliterative Stories and Activities for Phonological Intervention. Cowling, Keighley: Black Sheep Press. Order from the Publisher














Bowen, C. (2023). Children's Speech Sound Disorders, 3rd ed., Wiley-Blackwell. UK | AU | Amazon








Bowen, C. & Snow, P. (2017). Making Sense of Interventions for Children with Developmental Disorders. Guildford: The book's page on J&R Press's site | Amazon | Kindle | References.


AKL Czech Republic
ALF Denmark 
ALO Luxembourg
APTF Portugal
ASALFA Argentina
ASHA's List of International Associations
ASHA: Become an International Affiliate Member

ASHA State-by-State
ASLP Malta
ASLTIP UK - independent practitioners DIRECTORY
ASOFONO Colombia
DBL Germany

DIK Sweden
DLOGS Slovenia
DVL Switzerland
ELU Estonia
ESLA (Europe; formerly CPLOL)
FLI Italy
FTÍ Iceland

IPA - International Phonetic Association

Logopaedie Austria
MASH Malaysia

FNO - Orthophonistes France
IASLT Republic of Ireland* FAQ
ISHA India

ISHLA Israel 
JAS Japanese Association of S-L-H Therapists

Norsk Logopedlag Norway

NVLF Netherlands
NZSTA New Zealand*
PSL Greece
PZL Poland
RCSLT United Kingdom*

SAL Slovenia
SALTS Singapore
SASLHA South Africa
SBFA Brazil
SIL International
Speech-Language & Audiology Canada*
Speech Pathology Australia* Find a CPSP Speech Pathologist in Australia
Suomen Puheterapeuttiliitto ry Finland
SLH Taiwan
VVL Belgium

* Mutual Recognition of Professional Association Credentials Signatories

Social Media


Dorothy Bishop - BishopBlog
Alison Clarke - Spelfabet

Sharynne McLeod - Speaking my languages
Michael Quinion - World Wide Words 2009-2017

Susan Rvachew
The Snow Report - Pamela C Snow


RADLD: Raising Awareness of Developmental Language Disorder #DevLangDis



Clinical Research for SLPs
Purposeful Re-branding of SLP
School-Based SLPs

SLPs for Evidence-Based Practice
Speech Pathology Groups in Facebook
Speech Pathology Pages in Facebook



ABOUT WeSpeechies

Websites by SLPs/SLTs

Louise Coigley - Story telling / complex communication needs
Judith Duchan - History of SLP (US emphasis)
Judy Kuster's Home Page | Stuttering
Sean Pert & Carol Stow - Bilingualism (UK)
SLPs/SLTs at Work

Web Resources

AAC / Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Assistive Technology

CALL Scotland

ISAAC Australia
PrAACtical AAC



Aphasia Now
Aphasia Pathway

British Aphasiology Society
National Aphasia Association


Autism in Australia
Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect)


The National Autistic Society
Yale Autism Program

Developmental Language Disorder / Language Development

Oxford Study of Children's Communication Impairments
RADLD: Raising Awareness of Developmental Language Disorder #DevLangDis CAMAIGN VIDEOS
Research in Child Language Disorders (SRCLD)
The SLI Debate - Open Access issue of IJLCD

Webwords 60: Developmental Language Disorder #DevLangDis
Webwords 60, above, contains links to open access journal articles and other (international) resources.
Wikipedia: Developmental Language Disorder
TIP: Follow the #DevLangDis hashtag in Twitter


CanChild Centre for Disability Research

Dysphagia / Swallowing

IDDSI: International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative
Swallowing Rehabilitation Research Lab
Swallow Study

Fluency / Cluttering / Stuttering / Stammering

Cluttering Conference 2010
ISAD Online (Stammering/Stuttering)

Lidcombe Program - University of Technology, Sydney

Stuttering Home Page
The Veils of Stuttering

Hearing and Hearing Impairment

Baby Hearing



These are peer reviewed journals. #OA Indicates Open (Free) Access. See also Cochrane Reviews #OA

Advances in Clinical Neuroscience & Rehabilitation #OA
American Journal of Audiology

American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology
Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
Child Language Teaching and Therapy 
Cleft Palate - Craniofacial Journal

Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics
Contemporary Issues in Communication Sciences & Disorders 1983-2016 #OA
Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica
International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders
International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology
Journal of Child Language
Journal of Clinical Speech and Language Studies
Journal of Communication Disorders
Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research
Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools
Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups
Seminars in Speech and Language

South African Journal of Communication Disorders #OA
Speech Language and Hearing (was APJSLH)
Topics in Language Disorders
West Asian Journal of Speech and Language Pathology

Literacy, Reading, Phonological Awareness

DDOLL Network: Developmental Disorders of Language & Literacy
Dyslexia and Developmental language disorder: Same or different?
Encyclopedia of Language and Literacy Development
Five form Five
Gail Gillon's Resources

Language is literacy is language
Literacy Trust (UK)
Phonological Awareness Resources
The Snow Report (Pamela Snow)


Facilitated Communication (Orac)
Facilitated Communiation (Wikipedia)
Irlen Syndrome: RANZCO: No scientific evidence that it exists, say ophthalmologists

Learning Styles - the myth

Learning Styles - no evidence
MUSEC Briefings Archive on FIGSHARE
Making Sense of Interventions for Children with Developmental Disorders (Book)

Psychology help

APA Psychology Help Center



ϕ Phon
Doulos SIL Font Home

i2speak Smart IPA Phonetics Keyboard

IPA Palette for Mac

Phonetic and Phonological Systems Analysis - PPSA
Richard Ishida's IPA character picker

Transcription practice (Australian English)

Type IPA Symbols - Phonetic Keyboard

Publishers of SLP/SLT Related Books and Software

Black Sheep Press
Brookes Publishing
J & R Press
Multimedia Speech Pathology


PhonoComp Publishing
Plural Publishing
ProEd - Australia
Smart Kids
Stass Publications
Super Duper Publications
WILEY Blackwell

Research databases and other research resources

ASHAWire: ASHA Scholarly Journals
Cochrane Library
Internet Archive: Wayback Machine
NICE Journals and Databases (UK)


Science Writing Pet Peeves

Stuff they didn't teach you about research success
US National Library of Medicine Databases
What Works

Speech Sound Disorders

2017 Special issue on Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) from CJSLPA
Developmental Phonological Disorder
Learnability Project ARCHIVE
Childhood Apraxia of Speech Videos with Dr Edythe Strand at the Mayo Clinic
Minimal Pairs for English - RP - John Higgins
Multilingual Children with Speech Sound Disorders
Phonological Development Tools and Cross-Linguistic Phonology Project
Phonotactic Probability Calculator
ReST: Rapid Syllable Transition Treatment (for CAS)
Waisman Center Phonology Project


APGAR Scoring for Newborns
ASHA information for the public
Edmonton Narrative Norms Instrument
Ethnologue: Languages of the World

Linguist and LINGLITE
Master Clinician Network
Speech Accent Archive
Speech Teach UK
Words of Wisdom: Cherished Advice from Academic Mentors


Voice Academy



Minimal Pairs for English - RP
More Words

Open Multilingual WordNet

Rhyme Zone

Word by Letter
Word Hippo
Word Lists (Learning Fundamentals)
Word Net Lexical Database for English


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