

The Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology, formerly ACQ (the Australian Communication Quarterly and then ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing) is Speech Pathology Australia's clinical and professional journal. It provides a forum for the 9,000 plus members of the association, and is published three times a year in March, July and November. The JCPSLP and ACQ reprints on this page are here by kind permission of the association.

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Each issue of the journal has a main theme or topic as well as articles that are not tied to a particular subject area. Its 1999 to 2018 Internet column, Webwords, usually addressed the central theme of the issue in which it appeared.

Webwords can be found in print in the journal, and also here on this site, with links to featured resources.




Webwords 42 to Webwords 61 in JCPSLP

Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology

Webwords 61: July 2018
Entrepreneurship and Speech-Language Pathology pdf
Entrepreneurship and Speech-Language Pathology web page

Webwords 60: March 2018
Developmental Language Disorder #DevLangDis pdf
Developmental Language Disorder #DevLangDis web page

Webwords 59: November 2017
Mental Health: How are they now? pdf
Mental Health: How are they now? web page

Webwords 58: July 2017
Internet resources pdf
Internet resources web page

Webwords 57: March 2017
ATSI Peoples: Rights, reading and moving out of the shadows pdf
ATSI Peoples: Rights, reading and moving out of the shadows web page

Webwords 56: November 2016
Minority World SLPs/SLTs in Majority World Contexts pdf
Minority World SLPs/SLTs in Majority World Contexts web page

Webwords 55: July 2016
Work, Ethics, Costs, and Australia's National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) pdf
Work, Ethics, Costs, and Australia's National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) web page

Webwords 54: March 2016
Prognosis, prediction, pitch and paradox pdf
Prognosis, prediction, pitch and paradox web page

Webwords 53: November 2015
Forging professional identities pdf
Forging professional identities web page

Webwords 52: July 2015
Speech-Language Pathology: A young profession in an ageing world pdf
Speech-Language Pathology: A young profession in an ageing world web page

Webwords 51: March 2015
Taking Twitter for a twirl in the diverse world of rotational curation pdf
Taking Twitter for a twirl in the diverse world of rotational curation web page

Webwords 50: November 2014
Clinical Research: A Meeting of Minds in SLP/SLT pdf
Clinical Research: A Meeting of Minds in SLP/SLT web page

Webwords 49: July 2014
Policy, Practice and Social Media pdf
Policy, Practice and Social Media web page

Webwords 48: March 2014
Clinical and Translational Research pdf
Clinical and Translational Research web page

Webwords 47: November 2013
Inter-Professional Education and Practice in SLP pdf 
Inter-Professional Education and Practice in SLP
web page

Webwords 46: July 2013
Social Media in Clinical Education and Continuing Professional Development pdf
Social Media in Clinical Education and Continuing Professional Development web page

Webwords 45: March 2013
Apps for Speech-Language Pathology intervention pdf
Apps for Speech-Language Pathology intervention web page

Webwords 44: November 2012
Life online pdf
Life online web page

Webwords 43: July 2012
Augmentative and Alternative Communication pdf
Augmentative and Alternative Communication web page

Webwords 42: March 2012
Professional Issues  pdf
Professional Issues web page

Webwords 1 to Webwords 41 in ACQ

ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing

Webwords 41: November 2011
GLBTI Affirmative Practice pdf
GLBTI Affirmative Practice web page

Webwords 40: July 2011
Speech-Language Pathology Assessment Resources pdf

Webwords 39: March 2011
Child Language Bonanza pdf

Webwords 38: November 2010
Universal Design pdf

Webwords 37: July 2010
Families, the Heart of the Matter pdf

Webwords 36: March 2010
Motor Speech Disorders pdf

Webwords 35: November 2009
Mental Health: Wednesday's Child pdf
Mental Health: Wednesday's Child web page

Webwords 34: July 2009
Reading difficulties pdf

Webwords 33: March 2009
Dysphagia pdf

Webwords 32: March 2009
Multiculturalism in communication sciences and disorders pdf

Webwords 31: November 2008
Evidence Based Speech-Language Pathology Intervention pdf

Webwords 30: July 2008
Work-life balance and authentic interests pdf

Webwords 29: March 2008
Ethics and Fidelity pdf
Ethics and Fidelity web page

Webwords 28: October 2007
Community and Advocacy pdf

Webwords 27: June 2007
Internationalisation and Internationalism pdf

Webwords 26: February 2007
Early Childhood Intervention pdf

Webwords 25: October 2006
Loving words pdf

Webwords 24: June 2006
Looking Back pdf

Webwords 23: February 2006 
Innovations pdf

Webwords 22: October 2005
Frames, tribes and teamwork pdf

Webwords 21: June 2005
A question of balance pdf

Webwords 20: February 2005
Memory and learning in clinical practice pdf

Webwords 19: October 2004
Measuring what we do pdf

Webwords 18: June 2004
Aphasia pdf

Webwords 17: February 2004
Practicable - Functional - Measurable pdf

Webwords 16: October 2003
Auditory processing disorders in children pdf

Webwords 15: October 2003
Literacy links pdf

Webwords 14: June 2003
Service delivery and consumer advocacy pdf

Webwords 13: February 2003
Low Prevalence Disorders pdf

Webwords 12: October 2002
Normal Communication across the Lifespan pdf

Webwords 11: June 2002
Stuttering: Saints, Songs and Sites pdf

Webwords 10: February 2002
Clinicians who do research: Hands-on scientists pdf

Webwords 9: October 2001
The Language of Empowerment pdf

Webwords 8: June 2001
Voice: Something out of the Box pdf

Webwords 7: February 2001
Child Language Development and Disorders pdf 

Webwords 6: October 2000 LARGE SCANNED FILE - pdf
Acquired Communication Disorders  

Webwords 5: June 2000 LARGE SCANNED FILE - pdf
Craniofacial Web Resources   

Webwords 4: February 2000 LARGE SCANNED FILE - pdf
Web Resources for Students   

Webwords 3: October 1999 LARGE SCANNED FILE - pdf
Institutions, Associations, Consumers & the Net  

Webwords 2: June 1999 LARGE SCANNED FILE - pdf
Seniors on Internet  

Webwords 1: February 1999 LARGE SCANNED FILE - pdf
Getting to know the Internet

Other articles in ACQ

Fluency and Fluency Disorders on the Web pdf
Judith Maginnis Kuster and Caroline Bowen 2002

What is the Evidence for Oral Motor Therapy? pdf
Caroline Bowen 2005


Bowen, C. (2018b). Webwords 61: Entrepreneurship and speech-language pathology. Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology, 20(2), 97-98.

Bowen, C. (2018a). Webwords 60: Developmental Language Disorder: #DevLangDis. Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology, 20(1), 35-40.

Bowen, C. (2017c). Webwords 59: Mental Health: How are they now? Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology, 19(3), 170-172.

Bowen, C. (2017b). Webwords 58: Internet resources. Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology, 19(2), 107-110.

Bowen, C. (2017a). Webwords 57: ATSI Peoples: Rights, reading and moving out of the shadows. Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology, 19(1), 50-52.

Bowen, C. (2016c). Webwords 56: Minority World SLPs/SLTs in Majority World Contexts. Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology, 18(3), 148-150.

Bowen, C. (2016b). Webwords 55: Work, ethics, costs, and Australia’s NDIS. Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology, 18(2), 100-101.

Bowen, C. (2016a). Webwords 54: Prognosis, prediction, pitch and paradox. Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology, 18(1), 46-47.

Bowen, C. (2015d). Webwords 53: Forging professional identities. Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology, 17(3), 168-169.

Bowen, C. (2015c). Webwords 52: Speech-Language Pathology: A young profession in an ageing world. Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology, 17(2), 106-108.

Bowen, C. (2015b reprinted from Bowen 2008a). Webwords 29: Ethics and fidelity. Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology, 17(Supplement1), 20-21.

Bowen, C. (2015a). Webwords 51: Taking Twitter for a twirl in the diverse world of rotational curation. Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology, 17(1), 51-53.

Bowen C. (2014c). Webwords 50: Clinical Research: A Meeting of Minds in SLP/SLT. Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology, 16(3), 157-158.

Bowen C. (2014b). Webwords 49: Policy and Practice. Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology. 16(2), 103-104.

Bowen C. (2014a). Webwords 48: Translating research into practice. Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology. 16(1), 41-42.

Bowen C. (2013c). Webwords 47: Inter-Professional Education and Practice in SLP. Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology. 15(3),152-153.

Bowen C. (2013b). Webwords 46: Social Media in Clinical Education and Continuing Professional Development. Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology. 15(2), 104-106.

Bowen C. (2013a). Webwords 45: Apps for speech-language pathology intervention. Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology. 15(1), 36-37.

Bowen C. (2012c). Webwords 44: Life online. Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology, 14(3), 149-152.

Bowen, C. (2012b). Webwords 43: Alternative and Augmentative Communication. Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology, 14(2), 93-94.

Bowen, C. (2012a). Webwords 42: Professional issues. Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology, 14(1), 42-43.

Bowen, C. (2011e). Webwords 41: GLBTI affirmative practice. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech Language and Hearing, 13(3), 155-156.

Bowen, C. (2011d). Webwords 40: Speech language pathology assessment resources. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing,13(2), 92-93.

Bowen, C. (2011c). Webwords 39: Child Language Bonanza. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing,13(1), 44.

Bowen, C. (2010d). Webwords 38: Universal design. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing, 12(3), 131-133.

Bowen, C. (2010c). Webwords 37: Families, the heart of the matter. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech Language and Hearing,12(2), 85-86.

Bowen, C. (2010b). Webwords 36: Motor Speech Disorders. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing, 12(1), 45-46.

Bowen, C. (2009e). Webwords 35: Wednesday’s Child. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing, 11(3), 155-156.

Bowen, C. (2009d). Webwords 34: Literacy difficulties across the rooftops. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing, 11(2), 112-113.

Bowen, C. (2009c). Webwords 33: Dysphagia. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing, 11(1), 58-59.

Bowen, C. (2009b). Webwords 32: Multiculturalism in communication sciences and disorders. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing, 11(1), 29-30.

Bowen, C. (2008c). Webwords 31: Evidence-based speech-language pathology intervention. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing, 10(3), 98-99.

Bowen C. (2008b). Webwords 30: Work-life balance and authentic interests. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing, 10(2), 67-68.

Bowen, C. (2008a). Webwords 29: Ethics and fidelity. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing, 10(1), 22-23.

Bowen, C. (2007d). Webwords 28: Community and advocacy. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing, 9(3), 123-124.

Bowen, C. (2007c). Webwords 27: Internationalisation and internationalism. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing, 9(2), 79-80.

Bowen, C. (2007b). Webwords 26: Early childhood intervention. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing, 9(1), 23-24.

Bowen, C. (2006c). Webwords 25: Loving words. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing,8(3), 137-138.

Bowen, C. (2006b). Webwords 24: Looking back. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing, 8(2), 67-68.

Bowen, C. (2006a). Webwords 23: Innovations. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing, 8(1), 32-34.

Bowen, C. (2005d). What is the evidence for...? Oral motor therapy. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing, 7(3), 144-147.

Bowen, C. (2005c). Webwords 22: Frames, tribes, teamwork. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing, 7(3), 121-122.

Bowen, C. (2005b). Webwords 21: A question of balance in speech pathology practice. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing, 7(2), 75-76.

Bowen, C. (2005a). Webwords 20: Memory and learning in clinical practice. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing, 7(1),15.

Bowen, C. (2004c). Webwords 19: Measuring what we do. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing, 6(3), 156-157.

Bowen, C. (2004b). Webwords 18: Aphasia. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing, 6(2),107-108.

Bowen, C. (2004a). Webwords 17: Practicable, functional, and measurable: Does the web deliver?  ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing, 6(1), 53-54.

Bowen, C. (2003e). Webwords 16: Auditory processing disorders in children. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing, 5(3), 140.

Bowen, C. (2003d). Webwords 15: Literacy links. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing,5(3), 122.

Bowen, C. (2003c). Webwords 14: Service delivery and consumer advocates. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing, 5(2), 102-103.

Bowen, C. (2003b). Webwords 13: Low prevalence disorders: Finding the facts. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing, 5(1), 48.

Bowen, C. (2002d). My top ten resources. Speech and Language Therapy in Practice. Winter.

Bowen, C. (2002c). Webwords 12: Normal communication across the lifespan. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing, 4(3), 173-174.

Bowen, C. (2002b). Webwords 11: Stuttering: Saints, Songs and Sites. ACQuiring Knowledge inSpeech, Language and Hearing, 4(2), 112-113.

Bowen, C. (2002a) Webwords 10: Clinicians who do research: Hands-on scientists. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing, 4(1), 49.

Bowen, C. (2001c). Webwords 9: The language of empowerment: Putting people first. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing, 3(3), 130-131.

Bowen, C. (2001b, June). Webwords 8: Voice: Something out of the box. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing, 2, 10-101.

Bowen, C. (2001a, February). Webwords 7: An Internet ABC of child language. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing, 1, 49.

Bowen, C. (2000d, October). Webwords 6: Acquired communication disorders. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing, 3, 121.

Bowen, C. (2000c, June). Webwords 5: Facing the world: Cranio-facial web resources. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing, 3, 68-69.

Bowen, C. (2000b, February). Webwords 4: Web resources for students. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing, 1, 33.

Bowen, C. (1999c, October). Webwords 3: Institutions, associations, consumers, and the net. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing, 3, 35-36.

Bowen, C. (1999b, June). Webwords 2: Seniors on Internet. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing, 2, 36-37.

Bowen, C. (1999a, February). Webwords 1: Getting to know the Internet. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing, 1, 29-30.

Kuster, J. M. & Bowen, C. (2002). Fluency and fluency disorders: Discussion forums and web sites. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing, 4(2), 75-77.

Articles in the ASHA Leader

Bowen, C. (2011a). Lionel Logue: A Pioneer in Speech-Language Pathology. ASHA Leader.

Bowen, C. (2011b). On the Trail of Lionel Logue: One SLP's Excellent Adventure. ASHA Leader.

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