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November 12 - November 18, 2017 Readings
Considering the impacts of word characteristics on language learning: ‘word frequency’, ‘neighbourhood density’, and ‘phonotactic probability’
ASHA Journals
Castro, Pelczarski, and Vitevitch, 2017
Using Network Science Measures to Predict the Lexical Decision Performance of Adults who Stutter.
Gray, Pittman, and Weinhold, 2014
Effect of Phonotactic Probability and Neighborhood Density on Word-Learning Configuration by Preschoolers with Typical Development and Specific Language Impairment.
Guo, McGregor, and Spencer, 2015
Are Young Children with Cochlear Implants Sensitive to the Statistics of Words in the Ambient Spoken Language
Kover and Ellis Weismer, 2014
Lexical Characteristics of Expressive Vocabulary in Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Morrisette and Gierut, 2002
Lexical Organization and Phonological Change in Treatment
Nair, Biedermann, and Nickels, 2017
Understanding Bilingual Word Learning: The Role of Phonotactic Probability and Phonological Neighborhood Density
Rispens, Baker, and Duinmeijer, 2015
Word Recognition and Nonword Repetition in Children with Language Disorders: The Effects of Neighborhood Density, Lexical Frequency, and Phonotactic Probability
Sosa, 2016
Lexical Considerations in the Treatment of Speech Sound Disorders in Children
Stokes, 2010
Neighborhood Density and Word Frequency Predict Vocabulary Size in Toddlers
Storkel, 2004
Methods for Minimizing the Confounding Effects of Word Length in the Analysis of Phonotactic Probability and Neighborhood Density
Storkel, Bontempo, Aschenbrenner, Maekawa, and Lee, 2013
The Effect of Incremental Changes in Phonotactic Probability and Neighborhood Density on Word Learning by Preschool Children
Storkel, Bontempo, and Pak, 2014
Online Learning from Input Versus Offline Memory Evolution in Adult Word Learning: Effects of Neighborhood Density and Phonologically Related Practice
Storkel and Morrisette, 2002
The Lexicon and Phonology Interactions in Language Acquisition
Other Journals
Gierut, 2016
Nexus to Lexis: Phonological Disorders in Children
Hogan, Bowles, Catts, and Storkel, 2011
The influence of neighborhood density and word frequency on phoneme awareness in 2nd and 4th grades
Hoover, Storkel, and Rice, 2012
The Interface between Neighborhood Density & Optional Infinitives: Normal Development and Specific Language Impairment
Leonard, Davis, and Deevy, 2007
Phonotactic probability and past tense use by children with specific language impairment and their typically developing peers
Storkel, 2013
A corpus of consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) real words and nonwords: Comparison of phonotactic probability, neighborhood density, and consonant age-of-acquisition
Vitevitch and Castro, 2015
Using network science in the language sciences and clinic
October 29 - November 4, 2017 Readings
Championing literacy through the Speech Pathology Australia ‘Book of the Year Awards’
Australian Government, Department of Social Services, 2015
Footprints in Time – The Longitudinal Study of Indigenous Children (LSIC)
Ehren & Murza, 2010
The Urgent Need to Address Workforce Readiness in Adolescent Literacy Intervention
Eisenchlas, Schalley, and Guillemin, 2013
The importance of literacy in the home language: The view from Australia. Sage Open
Farquarson, 2017
Promoting Early Literacy for a Child in Foster Care
Galuschka, Ise, Krick and Schulte-Körne, 2014
Effectiveness of Treatment Approaches for Children and Adolescents with Reading Disabilities: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Open Access PLOSone
Girolametto, Weitzman, and Greenberg, 2012
Facilitating Emergent Literacy: Efficacy of A Model that partners Speech-Language Pathologists and Educators
Justice, Logan, and Damschroder, 2015
Designing Caregiver- Implemented Shared-Reading Interventions to Overcome Implementation Barriers
Lund, 2017
Literacy Difficulties in the Face of Multiple Factors: Using a Team Approach
Kamhi, 2014
Improving Clinical Practices for Children with Language and Learning Disorders
Skebo, Lewis, Freebairn, Tag, Ciesia, & Stein, 2013
Reading Skills of Students with Speech Sound Disorders at Three Stages of Literacy Development
Schuele, 2009
Language and Literacy: What's a Speech-Language Pathologist to Do?
Schuele, 2017
The Speech-Language Pathologist's Role in Reading and Writing: In Theory Meets in Reality
Schuele and Larrivee, 2004
What’s My Job? Differential Diagnosis of the Speech-Language Pathologist’s Role in Literacy Learning
Snow, 2016
Elizabeth Usher Memorial Lecture: Language is literacy is language - Positioning speech-language pathology in education policy, practice, paradigms and polemics Open Access IJSLP
Sun & Wallach, 2013
Adolescent Literacy: Looking Beyond Core Language Learning Deficits
Thomas and Lance, 2014
Effects of School-Wide Intervention on Literacy Learning: The SLPs Support
Ukrainetz, 2017
Commentary on “Reading Comprehension Is Not a Single Ability”: Implications for Child Language Intervention
Zygouris-Coe and Goodwiler, 2013
Language and Literacy Demands of Content Area Courses in the Era of the Common Core State Standards: Teachers’ Perspectives and the Role of the SLP
Timms, Williams, and Stokes, 2014
Literacy skills of Australian Indigenous school children with and without otitis media and hearing loss
Webb and Williams, 2017
Factors affecting language and literacy development in Australian Aboriginal children: Considering dialect, culture and health
October 22 - October 28, 2017 Readings
Using Twitter to Connect New Aphasia Clinicians: Acute Care, Rehabilitation, and Beyond
Beck, Verticchio, Seeman, Milliken, and Schaab, 2017
A Mindfulness Practice for Communication Sciences and Disorders Undergraduate and Speech-Language Pathology Graduate Students: Effects on Stress, Self-Compassion, and Perfectionism
Coulter, Palasik, and Grand, 2014
Mark Ylvisaker's Influence on Interprofessional Learning for Speech-Language Pathology Graduate Students
Friberg, Folkins, and Visconti, 2013
Using Clinical and Research Activities to Enhance the Undergraduate Experience
Fromm, Forbes, Holland, Dalton, Richardson,and MacWhinney, 2017
Discourse Characteristics in Aphasia Beyond the Western Aphasia Battery Cutoff
Hedinger 2016
Taking Clinical Education Outside
Purves, Petersen, and Puurveen, 2013
An Aphasia Mentoring Program: Perspectives of Speech-Language Pathology Students and of Mentors with Aphasia
Rentschler, and Gasior, 2011
Student Peer Mentoring: A Tool for Clinical Educators
Smith, 2015
Student Clinicians Self-Evaluating Performance by Reviewing Session Videos and Using a Rubric
Taliancich-Klinger, and Cooperson, 2017
Clinical Supervision in a Medical Setting: A Preliminary Study about the Practices and Beliefs of Expert and Novice Clinician Supervisors
Vickers, and Hagge, 2014
Communication Recovery Groups for Persons with Aphasia: A Replicable Program for Medical and University Settings
October 15 - October 21, 2017 Readings
Aphasia outcomes: What to measure and how to measure it
de Riesthal and Ross, 2015
Patient Reported Outcome Measures in Neurologic Communication Disorders: An Update
Fromm, Forbes, Holland, Dalton, Richardson, and MacWhinney, 2017
Discourse Characteristics in Aphasia Beyond the Western Aphasia Battery Cutoff
Irwin 2012
Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in Aphasia
Wallace, Worrall, Rose and Le Dorze, 2016
Core Outcomes in Aphasia Treatment Research: An e-Delphi Consensus Study of International Aphasia Researchers
Womack 2012
The Relationship Between Client-Centered Goal-Setting and Treatment Outcomes
Wallace, S. J., Worrall, L., Rose, T., Le Dorze, G., Cruice, M., Isaksen, J., . . . Gauvreau, C. A. (2016). Which outcomes are most important to people with aphasia and their families? An international nominal group technique study framed within the ICF. Disability and Rehabilitation., 1-16. doi:10.1080/09638288.2016.1194899
October 8 - October 13, 2017 Reading
Using Twitter to help close the research-to-knowledge-to-practice gap in SLP/SLT worldwide: @WeSpeechies and #ResNetSLT join forces
Choudhury, Dinger, and Fichera, 2017
The Utilization of Social Media in the Hearing Aid Community
September 17 - September 23, 2017 Readings L
Complete Oct 2017 issue of JCPP, free access until October 31, 2017
Developmental Language Disorder
Click here for a video about this issue of the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry (JCPP)
August 20 - August 26, 2017 Readings
Communication Access
Kasari, Kaiser, Goods, Nietfeld, Mathy, Landa, Murphy, and Almirall, 2014
Communication Interventions for Minimally Verbal Children with Autism: Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial
Rudolph, 2017
Case History Risk Factors for Specific Language Impairment: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
August 13 - August 19, 2017 Readings
The craft and science of SLP/SLT report writing: Meeting the needs of diverse audiences
Braun, Dunn, and Tomchek, 2017
A Pilot Study on Professional Documentation: Do we write from a Strengths Perspective?
Copley, Davidson, Donaldson, Hollands, and McDermott, 2004
Clinical reporting by occupational therapists and speech pathologists: Therapists’ intentions and parental satisfaction
Donald and Kelly-Campbell, 2016
Pediatric audiology report: Assessment and revision of an audiology report written to parents of children with hearing impairment
Leitão and Scarinci, 2009
Ethical reflections: Readability of written speech pathology reports
Pannbacker, 1975
Diagnostic report writing
Speech Pathology Australia
This is the Speech Pathology Australia fact sheet about speech pathology assessment and reporting (usually members only resource)
Watts Pappas, 2010
Clinical report writing for paediatric clients: A tutorial
Wilkerson, 2000 PDF
Documenting clinical service delivery: Writing style and lexical selection
August 6 - August 12, 2017 Readings
Navigating transitions: Focusing on adolescents and young adults
Durkin, Toseeb, Botting, Pickles, and Conti-Ramsden, 2017
Social Confidence in Early Adulthood among Young People with and without a History of Language Impairment Open Access
Freeman, 2013
After Commencement, Clarity
Schecter, 2017
Time Management for Students with ASD
Stevenson, Flynn, and Test, 2016
Evidence-Based Practices and Predictors: Improving Post-School Outcomes for Students with Disabilities
Thierman-Bourque, 2010
Navigating the Transition to Middle School: Peer Network Programming for Students with Autism
Waller, Sanford, Caswell, and Bainbridge, 2016
Comprehensive Social Communication Support for Improving Transitions for Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
July 9 - July 15, 2017 Readings
Measurement in SLP/SLT
Bowman, Bowman, and Bailey, 2002
Eligible or Ineligible: Determining Adverse Effect
Gray, 2017
Oral Language and Listening Comprehension: Same or Different Constructs?
Ireland and Conrad, 2016 Open Access
Evaluation and Eligibility for Speech-Language Services in Schools
Justice, Jiang, Logan, and Schmitt, 2017
Predictors of Language Gains among School-Age Children with Language Impairment in the Public Schools
Morgan, Scheffner, Hammer, Farkas, Hillemeier, Maczuga, Cook, and Morano, 2016
Who receives Speech/Language Services by 5 Years of Age in the United States?
Power-de Fur, 2011
Special Education Eligibility: When is a Speech-Language Impairment Also a Disability?
Spaulding, Plante, and Farinella, 2006
Eligibility Criteria for Language Impairment: Is the low end of Normal Always Appropriate?
Van Gilder and Botts, 2003
Beyond YourCELF: Expanding Language Assessment
July 2 - July 8, 2017 Readings
Teachers and SLPs/SLTs working together to understand, promote, and support children with Developmental Language Disorder
From ASHAwire
Alt, Arizmendi, and Beal, 2013
The relationship between mathematics and language: Academic implications for children with specific language impairment and English language learners
Banks and Knuth, 2013
Working as a Team: The New Conception of Professionalism
Ehren, 2016
The negative nickname
Gillam, Holbrook, and Westenskow, 2016
The language of math: Part of the informational discourse continuum
Justice, Logan, and Kaderavek, 2015
Longitudinal impacts of print-focused read-alouds for children with language impairment
Kramlich, 2012
Perspectives from General Education Teachers, Students and Their Parents: Including Students with Robust Communication Devices in General Education Classrooms
Mount, 2014
Facilitating Cohesive Service Delivery Through Collaboration
Nippold, 2017
Reading comprehension deficits in adolescents: Addressing underlying language abilities
Sancibrian, 2016
You, in the classroom
Swenson and Williams, 2015
How to Collaborate: Five Steps for Success
Volkers, 2016
Bridging the professional divide
Zurawski, 2014
Speech-Language Pathologists and Inclusive Service Delivery: What Are the First Steps?
Zurawski, 2016
A push in the right academic direction
Zygouris-Coe and Goodwiler, 2013
Language and Literacy Demands of Content Area Courses in the Era of the Common Core State Standards: Teachers’ Perspectives and the Role of the SLP
Open access
Archibald, 2017
SLP-educator classroom collaboration: A review to inform reason-based practice
Dockrell and Lindsay, 2001
Children with Specific Speech and Language Difficulties—the teachers' perspective
June 25 - July 1, 2017 Readings
Building Effective Collaborative Relationships among Parents, SLPs/SLTs, and Applied Behaviour Analysts: Working Together for Optimal Client Outcomes
From ASHAwire
ASHA, 2016
How Prepared Are We for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice?
Cardon, 2017
Speech language pathologists and behavior analysts: Perspectives regarding theories and treatment of autism spectrum disorder
Cooper-Duffy and Eaker, 2017
Effective Team Practices: Interprofessional Contributions to Communication Issues With a Parent's Perspective
Donaldson and Stahmer, 2014
Team Collaboration: The Use of Behavior Principles for Serving Students With ASD
Ogletree, 2017
Addressing the Communication and Other Needs of Persons With Severe Disabilities Through Engaged Interprofessional Teams: Introduction to a Clinical Forum
From other publishers
Cox, 2012
From Interdisciplinary to Integrated Care of the Child with Autism: The Essential Role for a Code of Ethics
Kelly and Tincani, 2013
Collaborative training and practice among applied behavior analysts who support individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Koenig and Gerenser, 2006
SLP-ABA: Collaborating to support individuals with communication impairments
LaRue, Weiss, and Cable, 2009
Functional communication training: The role of speech pathologists and behavior analysts in serving students with autism
Passos, 2007
Bloomfield and Skinner: Speech-community, functions of language, and scientific activity
Reeves, Perrier, Goldman, Freeth, and Zwarenstein, 2013
Interprofessional education: effects on professional practice and healthcare outcomes (update)
June 11 - June 17, 2017 Readings
Co-Occurrence of Developmental Phonological Disorders with Developmental Language Disorder
Catts, Adlof, Hogan, and Weismer, 2005
Are specific language impairment and dyslexia distinct disorders?
DiDonato Brumbach and Goffman 2014
Interaction of Language Processing and Motor Skill in Children With Specific Language Impairment
Fey, Cleave, Ravida, Long, Dejmal, and Easton, 1994
Effects of grammar facilitation on the phonological performance of children with speech and language impairments
Girolametto, Pearce, and Weitzman, 1997
Effects of lexical intervention on the phonology of late talkers
Haskill, and Tyler, 2007
A comparison of linguistic profiles in subgroups of children with specific langauge impairment
Lewis, Shriberg, Freebairn, Hansen, Stein, Taylor, and Iyengar, 2006
The genetic bases of speech sound disorders: Evidence from spoken and written language
Rvachew, and Brosseau-Lapre, 2015
A randomized trial of twelve week interventions for the treatment of developmental phonological disorder in francophone children
Rvachew, and Grawburg, 2006
Correlates of phonological awareness in preschoolers with speech sound disorders
Shriberg, Tomblin, and McSweeny, 1999
Prevalence of speech delay in 6-year-old children and comorbidity with language impairment
Tyler, Lewis, Haskill, and Tolbert, 2003
Outcomes of different speech and language goal attack strategies
May 21 - May 27, 2017 Readings
Legal and compliance challenges for SLPs/SLTs in private/independent practice
(and how to manage them!)
Adams Nikjeh, 2012
Dollars $$ Sense: Future Health Care Landscape for Speech-Language Pathologists: While Some Things Change, Basic Compliance Remains
Coyle and Huston, 2016
Keeping it legal online
Glasgow and Bupp, 2016
Doing the right thing after school
Swigert, 2017
Demonstrating professionalism and skill in dysphagia documentation
Speech Pathology Australia: IJSLP
Stacey-Knight and Mayo, 2016
Comparing the codes of ethics of the six signatory associations of the Mutual Recognition Agreement
Sandford and Molenkamp, 2017
Building world-class ethics and compliance
Sokol, 2016
Teaching compliance
Utz, 2014
Compliance from scratch
May 7 - May 13, 2017 Readings
Information Communication Technologies (ICT) and Traumatic Brain Injury: Getting organised in SLP/SLT
Coleman, Frymark, Franceschini, and Theodoros, 2015
Assessment and Treatment of Cognition and Communication Skills in Adults With Acquired Brain Injury via Telepractice: A Systematic Review
Rabe, 2004
Technology: Teaching Technology
Sutton, 2012
Apps for Brain Injury Rehab
Sweeney, 2016
Apps to Get Them Chatting
Wild, 2014
Principles of App Selection and Training After Brain Injury
Other publishers
Buchholz, Ferm, and Holmgren (2017) “That is how I speak nowadays” – experiences of remote communication among persons with communicative and cognitive disabilities. Disability and Rehabilitation, Published online: 21 Mar 2017: p. 1-12.
Paterson and Carpenter (2015) Using different methods to communicate: how adults with severe acquired communication difficulties make decisions about the communication methods they use and how they experience them. Disability and Rehabilitation, 2015. 37(17): p. 1522-1530.
Wong, Sinclair, Seabrook, McKay, and Ponsford (2016) Smartphones as assistive technology following traumatic brain injury: a preliminary study of what helps and what hinders. Disability and Rehabilitation, 2016. Published online: 17 Oct 2016: p. 1-8.
Available via open access or in ‘green open access’:
Brunner, et al. (2015) Review of the literature on the use of social media by people with traumatic brain injury (TBI). Disability and Rehabilitation, 37(17): p. 1511-1521.
Eghdam, et al. (2016) How Do Persons with Mild Acquired Cognitive Impairment Use Information and Communication Technology and E-Services? Results from a Swedish National Survey. PLOS ONE, 11(7): p. e0159362.
Kilov, Togher, and Power (2015) Reliability of a computer and Internet survey (Computer User Profile) used by adults with and without traumatic brain injury (TBI). Brain Injury, 29(11): p. 1273-1291.
Rietdijk, Togher, and Power (2012) Supporting family members of people with traumatic brain injury using telehealth: a systematic review. Journal of rehabilitation medicine, 44(11), 913-921.
April 3 - May 6, 2017 Readings
Topic: The Evidence is in the Language: Morphology Driven Reading Instruction
Apel, 2004
Word study and the speech-language pathologist
Bowers and Bowers, 2017 $£€
Beyond phonics, the case for teaching children the logic of the English spelling system
Devonshire, Morris, and Fluck, 2013 $£€
Spelling and reading development: The effect of teaching children multiple levels of representation in their orthography
April 23 - April 29, 2017 Readings
Topic: Carrying out intervention research in SLP/SLT practice
Cohen, Hodson, O’Hare, Boyle, Durrani, McCartney, Mattey, Naftalin, and Watson, 2005
Effects of computer- based intervention using acoustically modified speech (Fast ForWord-Language) in severe mixed receptive-expressive language impairment: Outcomes from a randomized control trial
Ebbels, van der Lely, and Dockrell, 2007
Intervention for verb argument structure in children with persistent SLI: A randomized control trial
Fey, Cleave, and Long, 1997
Two models of grammar facilitation in children with language impairments: Phase 2
Fey, Finestack, Gajewski, Popescu, and Lewine, 2010
A preliminary evaluation of Fast Forword-Language as an adjuvant treatment in language intervention
Gillam, Loeb, Hoffman, Bohman, Champlin, Thibodeau, Widen, Brandel and Friel-Patti, 2008
The efficacy of Fast ForWord Language Intervention in school- age children with language impairment: A randomized controlled trial
Petersen, Gillam, Spencer, and Gillam, 2010
The effects of literate narrative intervention on children with neurologically based language impairments: An early stage study
Starling, Munro, Togher, and Arciuli, 2012
Training secondary school teachers in instructional language modification techniques to support adolescents with language impairment: A randomized controlled trial
Zhang and Tomblin, 2003
Explaining and controlling regression to the mean in longitudinal research designs
Zipoli and Kennedy, 2005
Evidence-based practice among speech-language pathologists: Attitudes, utilization, and barriers
Open Access
Sackett, Rosenberg, Gray, Haynes, and Richardson, 1996
Evidence based medicine: what it is and what it isn’t
Best, 2005
Investigation of a new intervention for children with word-finding problems
Campbell, Elbourne, and Altman, 2004
CONSORT statement: Extension to cluster randomised trials
Casarett, 2016
The Science of choosing wisely-overcoming the therapeutic illusion
Ebbels, Maric, Murphy, and Turner, 2014
Improving comprehension in adolescents with severe receptive language impairments: A randomised control trial of intervention for coordinating conjunctions
Fricke, Bowyer-Crane, Haley, Hulme, and Snowling, 2013
Efficacy of language intervention in the early years
Greenhalgh, 1997
How to read a paper. Getting your bearings (deciding what the paper is about)
Smith-Lock, Leitao, Lambert, and Nickels, 2013
Effective intervention for expressive grammar in children with specific language impairment
April 16 - April 22, 2017 Readings
Topic: Storytelling in SLP/SLT - How about that?
Bergey, 2017
The Patient’s Narrative is a Part of Medicine
Braddock, Gabany, Shah, Armbrecht, and Twyman, 2016
Patterns of Gesture Use in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Cherry-Cruz, 2001
Tell Me a Story: Enhancing Literacy Through the Techniques of Storytelling
Eisenberg, 2014
What Works in Therapy: Further Thoughts on Improving Clinical Practice for Children with Language Disorders
Kaliitzkus and Matthiessen, 2009 OA
Narrative-Based Medicine: Potential, Pitfalls, and Practice
Kim, 2016
Do Live Versus Audio-Recorded Narrative Stimuli Influence Young Children's Narrative Comprehension and Retell Quality?
Heilman, Miller, Nockerts, and Dunaway, 2010
Properties of the Narrative Scoring Scheme using Narrative Retells in Young School-Age Children
McCabe and Rollins,1994
Assessment of Preschool Narrative Skills
Schneider and Dubé, 2005
Story Presentation Effects on Children’s Retell Content
Swanson, Fey, Mills, and Hood, 2005
Use of Narrative-Based Language Intervention with Children who have Specific Language Impairment
Westby and Culatta, 2016
Telling Tales: Personal Event Narratives and Life Stories
April 2 - April 7, 2017 Readings
Topic: SLPs/SLTs working in inclusive education settings
Cirrin, Schooling, Nelson, Diehl, Flynn, Staskowski, and Adamczyk, 2010
Evidence-based Systematic review: Effects of Different Service Delivery Models on Communication Outcomes for Elementary School–Age Children
Inglebret, Banks-Joseph, CHiXapkaid, and Pavel, 2016
Differentiated Instruction: A Culturally-Congruent Practice
Pollack Zurawski, 2014
Speech-Language Pathologists and Inclusive Service Delivery: What are the First Steps?
Rix, 2009
Educating a Syndrome?: Seeking a Balance Between Identifying a Learning Profile and Delivering Inclusive Education
Soto, 2004
An AAC Training Program with Emphasis on Collaboration and Inclusion
Open Access
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2010
Roles and Responsibilities of Speech-Language Pathologists in Schools
Archibald, 2017
SLP-educator classroom collaboration: A review to inform reason-based practice
Dohan and Schulz, 1998
The speech-language pathologist's changing role collaboration within the classroom
McCormack, McLeod, Harrison, and McAllister, 2007
Prevalence of communication impairment in Australian children
Salend and Duhaney, 1999
The impact of inclusion on students with and without disabilities and their educators
Starling, Munro, Togher, and Arciuli, 2011
Supporting secondary school students with language impairment
March 26 - April 1 Readings
Topic: Positive learning in the SLP/SLT workplace: Students, clinicians, and clinical educators
Attrill, Lincoln, and McAllister, 2016 OA
Supervising international students in clinical placements: perceptions of experiences and factors influencing competency development
Attrill, Lincoln, and McAllister, 2017
Culturally and linguistically diverse students in speech-language pathology courses: a platform for culturally responsive services
Billett, 2004 OA
Workplace participatory practices
Learning from other people in the workplace
Hale and Robinson, 2016
Supervision: A Win-Win Relationship in the Work World
Higgs and McAllister, 2007
Being a clinical educator
Kell, 2014
Placement Education Pedagogy as Social Participation: What are Students Really Learning?
Lewis, 2013 FULL TEXT
Reflective practice: What is it and how do I do it?
A systematic program of research regarding the assessment of speech-language pathology competencies
Rodriguez, 2016
Our Clients are Diverse: Why Aren’t We?
March 19 - March 25, 2017 Readings
Topic: Exploring how editors and authors in SLP/SLT can work together to disseminate and translate research evidence for the public: @AACjourn as a case example
Cunningham, Washington, Binns, Rolfe, Robertson, and Rosenbaum, 2016
Current Methods of Evaluating Speech-Language Outcomes for Preschoolers With Communication Disorders: A Scoping Review Using the ICF-CY
Gray, 2016
Exciting Changes are Coming to LSHSS! You are Invited to Participate!
Hengst, Devanga, and Mosier, 2015
Thin Versus Thick Description: Analyzing Representations of People and Their Life Worlds in the Literature of Communication Sciences and Disorders
Kent, 2014
Developing a Successful Research Career: Where to Publish
Kreuter, 2014
Marketing and Distribution Systems: Three Propositions About the Current Environment and Three Recommendations for Improving the Dissemination of Evidence
Lewis, 2014
Speak for yourself
Lum, Powell, Timms, and Snow, 2015
A Meta-Analysis of Cross Sectional Studies Investigating Language in Maltreated Children
Millar, Light, and Schlosser, 2016
The Impact of Augmentative and Alternative Communication Intervention on the Speech Production of Individuals with Developmental Disabilities: A Research Review
O’Francis, Daniero, Hovis, Sathe, Jacobson, Penson, Feurer and McPheeters, 2016
Voice-Related Patient-Reported Outcome Measures: A Systematic Review of Instrument Development And Validation
Free Access Articles Requested from Augmentative and Alternative Communication
DeRuyter, F., McNaughton, Caves, K., Bryen, D., & Williams, M. B., (2009). Enhancing AAC connections with the world. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 23(3), 258-270.
Logan, K., Iacono, T., & Trembath, D. (2017). A systematic review of research into aided AAC to increase social-communication functions in children with autism spectrum disorder. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 33(1), 51-64.
Mandrak, K., O’Neill, T., Light, J., & Fosco, G. M. (2017). Bridging the gap from values to actions: a family systems framework for family-centered AAC services. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 33(1), 32-41.
Ryan, S. E, Shepherd, T., Renzoni, A. M. Barber, M., & Kingsnorth, S. (2015). Towards advancing knowledge translation of AAC outcomes research for children and youth with complex communication needs. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 31(2), 137-147. OPEN ACCESS
Smith, M. (2016). Evidence for Impact and Impact of Evidence. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 32(4), 227-232.
Williams, M., Krezman, C., & McNaughton, D. (2008). “Reach for the Stars”: Five Principles for the Next 25 Years of AAC. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 24(3), 194-206.
March 12 - March 18, 2017 Readings
Topic: How can we raise the profile of developmental language disorders?
Anderson, 2016
There Was Something Going on With This Child, But What?
Ash and Redmond, 2014
Using Finiteness as a Clinical Marker to Identify Language Impairment
Dollaghan, 2011
Taxometric Analyses of Specific Language Impairment in 6-Year-Old Children
Conti-Ramsden and Botting, 1999
Classification of Children With Specific Language Impairment
Cunningham, Washington, Binns, Rolfe, Robertson, and Rosenbaum, 2017
Current Methods of Evaluating Speech-Language Outcomes for Preschoolers With Communication Disorders: A Scoping Review Using the ICF-CY
Hollo, 2012
Language and Behavior Disorders in School-Age Children: Comorbidity and Communication in the Classroom
Ireland and Conrad, 2016
Evaluation and Eligibility for Speech-Language Services in Schools
Kamhi, 2004
A Meme’s Eye View of Speech-Language Pathology
Karasinski, 2013
Behavior Problems and Social Functioning in Adolescents With Language Impairment
Kelly, 2010
Language Acquisition Challenges for Preschoolers Residing in Low-SES Households: Implications for Speech-language Pathologists and Developmental Researchers
Kraemer, Coltisor, Kalra, Martinez, Savage Summers, and Varadharajan, 2013
The Speech-Language Assessment of English Language Learning Students: A Non-Standardized Approach
Leonard, 1991
Specific Language Impairment as a Clinical Category
McKenna and Hadley, 2014
Assessing Sentence Diversity in Toddlers At-Risk for Language Disorders
Mullen, 2010
Clarifying Our Terminology
Peña, Gillam, Malek, Ruiz-Felter, Resendiz, Fiestas, and Sabel, 2016
Dynamic Assessment of School-Age Children’s Narrative Ability: An Experimental Investigation of Classification Accuracy
Paradis, 2014
Discriminating Children with SLI Among English Language-Learners video
Paradis, Schneider, and Duncan, 2013
Discriminating Children With Language Impairment Among English-Language Learners From Diverse First-Language Backgrounds
Prath, 2016
Red Flags for Speech-Language Impairment in Bilingual Children
Rice, 1998
In Search of a Grammatical Marker of Language Impairment in Children
Rice, 2016
Specific Language Impairment, Nonverbal IQ, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Cochlear Implants, Bilingualism, and Dialectal Variants: Defining the Boundaries, Clarifying Clinical Conditions, and Sorting Out Causes
Schmitt, Logan, Tambyraja, Farquharson, and Justice, 2017
Establishing Language Benchmarks for Children With Typically Developing Language and Children With Language Impairment
Topbaş, 2014
Turkish: Linguistic and Cultural Considerations for SLPs in Multilingual Contexts
Tomblin, Records, Buckwalter, Zhang, Smith, and O’Brien, 1997
Prevalence of Specific Language Impairment in Kindergarten Children
Open Access
Bishop, D. V. M. (2010). Which neurodevelopmental disorders get researched and why? PLOS One 5(11), e15112. http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0015112
Bishop, D. V. M., et al. (2012). RALLI: An internet campaign for raising awareness of language learning impairments. Child Language Teaching & Therapy 28(3), 259-262. http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0265659012459467
Bishop, D. V. M., et al. (2016). "CATALISE: a multinational and multidisciplinary Delphi consensus study. Identifying language impairments in children." PLOS One 11(7), e0158753. http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0158753
Bishop, D. V. M., et al. (2017). "CATALISE: a multinational and multidisciplinary Delphi consensus study of problems with language development. Phase 2. Terminology." IN PRESS. Available from: https://peerj.com/preprints/2484/
Video The IJLCD Winter lecture with Dorothy Bishop
Why is it so hard to agree on definitions and terminology for Children's language disorders?
March 5-11 Readings
Topic: Use of new technologies to support SLP/SLT practice: Behind the scenes, in the clinic, home, and school
Banajee, 2017
Special Interest Group 12, Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Childes, Palmer, Fried-Oken, and Graville, 2017
The Use of Technology for Phone and Face-to-Face Communication After Total Laryngectomy
Enders, 2017
Social Media: A Powerful Tool for AAC Learning and Networking
Erickson, Geist, and Hatch, 2017
AAC Buy-In at Home: Carefully assessing how a device can meet communication needs is key to promoting its use with a client’s family and friends
Garrett, 2013
Technology To Support Data Collection and Management in the Public Schools
Herd, Epperly, and Cox, 2011
Technology: Clinical and Technological Innovations: Use of the Apple iPad in Clinical Supervision
Lawrence, 2017
Tapping Into the ‘Augmentative’ of AAC
Lund, Quach, Weissling, McKelvey, and Dietz, 2017
Assessment With Children Who Need Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC): Clinical Decisions of AAC Specialists
Mashima, 2012
Using Technology to Improve Access to Health Care for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations
McNeice, 2016
One is the Loneliest Number, So Go Online
Mineo, 2014
Passion Sparks AAC Innovation
Preston, McCabe, Rivera-Campos, Whittle, Landry, and Maas, 2014
Ultrasound Visual Feedback Treatment and Practice Variability for Residual Speech Sound Errors
Preston, Brick, Landi, 2013
Ultrasound Biofeedback Treatment for Persisting Childhood Apraxia of Speech
Richard, 2017
The ‘Big Picture’ Diagnostician
Sia, Halan, Lok, and Crary, 2016
Virtual Patient Simulation Training in Graduate Dysphagia Management Education—A Research-Led Enhancement Targeting Development of Clinical Interviewing and Clinical Reasoning Skills
Ward, Baker, Wall, Duggan, Hancock, Bassett, and Hyde, 2014
Can Human Mannequin-Based Simulation Provide a Feasible and Clinically Acceptable Method for Training Tracheostomy Management Skills for Speech-Language Pathologists?.
Zangari, 2016
Looking Back to Move Forward: 25 Years of Thinking About AAC and Language
February 26 - March 3 Readings
Topic: Cognitive Communication and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) in Adults
Coelho, DeRuyter, and Stein, 1996
Treatment Efficacy, Cognitive-Communicative Disorders Resulting from Traumatic Brain Injury in Adults
Douglas, 2010
Relation of Executive Functioning to Pragmatic Outcome following Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
Fraas and Calvert, 2009
The Use of Narratives to Identify Characteristics leading to a Productive Life following Acquired Brain Injury
Kleim and Jones, 2008
Principles of Experience-Dependent Neural Plasticity: Implications for Rehabilitation after Brain Damage
Lê, Mozeiko, and Coelho, 2011
Discourse Analyses: Characterizing Cognitive-Communication Disorders Following TBI
O’Brien and Krause, 2014
Fundamentally Innovative: The Continuing Contributions of Mark Ylvisaker
February 13 - February 28: Chapter 8 Auditory processing and learning
Click HERE for a pdf of Chapter 8 of Bowen, C. & Snow, P. C. (2017). Making Sense of Interventions for Children with Developmental Disorders. Guildford: J&R Press. This is a pre-publication release of Chapter 8, made possible through the generosity of J&R Press in response to Bronwyn Hemsley of @WeSpeechies' request. A handful of @WeSpeechies 7,700+ followers voted in a poll to decide which chapter to release. About the book. References. You can say thanks and leave feedback here or on Twitter.
February 19 - February 25 Readings
Topic: Managing service and discharge for adults with lifelong communication impairment
Hersh, 2001
Experiences of ending aphasia therapy
Hersh and Cruice, 2010
Beginning to teach the end: the importance of including discharge from aphasia therapy in the curriculum
Wallace, 2014
My Gray is Golden: Thoughts about Aging from the Perspective of Adults with Neurologically Based Communication Impairments
February 12 - February 18 Readings
Topic: Childhood Apraxia of Speech (Dyspraxia)
Carrigg, Baker, Parry, and Ballard, 2015
Persistent Speech Sound Disorder in a 22-Year-Old Male: Communication, Educational, Socio-Emotional, and Vocational Outcomes
Edeal and Gildersleeve-Neumann, 2011
The Importance of Production Frequency in Therapy for Childhood Apraxia of Speech
Lewis and Ekelman, 2007
Literacy Problems Associated With Childhood Apraxia of Speech
Murray, McCabe, and Ballard, 2014
A systematic review of treatment outcomes for children with Childhood Apraxia of Speech
Murray, McCabe, and Ballard, 2015
A Randomized Control Trial of Treatments for Childhood Apraxia of Speech
Murray, McCabe, Heard, and Ballard, 2015
Differential Diagnosis of children with suspected Childhood Apraxia of Speech
Preston, Brick, and Landi, 2013
Ultrasound biofeedback treatment for persisting childhood apraxia of speech
Strand, McCauley, Weigand, Stoeckel, and Baas, 2013
A Motor Speech Assessment for Children With Severe Speech Disorders: Reliability and Validity Evidence
Current Developmental Disorders Reports
Maas, Gildersleeve-Neumann, Jakielski, K and Stoeckel, 2014
Motor-Based Intervention Protocols in Treatment of Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS)
February 5 - February 11, 2017 Readings
Topic: Crowdsourcing for knowledge translation and citizen science in SLP/SLT: Where do we start?
Buykx, Li, Gavens, Hooper, Lovatt, Gomes de Matos, Meier, and Holmes, 2016
Public awareness of the link between alcohol and cancer in England in 2015: A population-based survey
Citizen Science Center | @CitizenScience_
Gonçalves and Sánchez, 2014
Crowdsourcing Dialect Characterization through Twitter
RaisingAwarenessBot @AwarenessBot
Watson and Floridy, 2016
Crowdsourced science: Sociotechnical epistemology in the e-research paradigm
November 20 - November 26, 2016 Readings
Topic: Rumble in the Jungle: Joys and challenges of parenting a child with speech, language and communication needs
Calculator, 2014
Parents' Perceptions of Communication Patterns and Effectiveness of Use of Augmentative and Alternative Communication Systems by Their Children with Angelman Syndrome
Caron, 2015
“We Bought an iPad”: Considering Family Priorities, Needs, and Preferences as an AAC Support Provider
Conti-Ramsden, 1995
Contingency and Breakdown: Children with SLI and Their Conversations with Mothers and Fathers
Finke, Drager, & Serpentine, 2015
"It's Not Humanly Possible to Do Everything”: Perspectives on Intervention Decision-Making Processes of Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Flippin and Watson, 2015
Fathers' and Mothers' Verbal Responsiveness and the Language Skills of Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Kaiser & Roberts, 2013
Parents as Communication Partners: An Evidence-Based Strategy for Improving Parent Support for Language and Communication in Everyday Settings
McCormack, McLeod, McAllister, and Harrison, 2010
My Speech Problem, Your Listening Problem, and My Frustration: The Experience of Living with Childhood Speech Impairment
Millard and Davis, 2015
The Palin Parent Rating Scales: Parents' Perspectives of Childhood Stuttering and Its Impact
Rodriguez and Olswang, 2003
Mexican-American and Anglo-American Mothers’ Beliefs and Values About Child Rearing, Education, and Language Impairment
Sanchez and Wood, 2016
Perceptions of Disability: Families from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds
Smith, Barton-Husley and Nwosu, 2016
AAC and Families: Dispelling Myths and Empowering Parents
October 9 - October 15, 2016 Readings
Topic: Memes and themes in representations of SLP/SLT in the mainstream, social, and imagined future media: Get the picture
Betz, Eickhoff and Sullivan, 2013
Factors influencing the selection of standardized tests for diagnosis of specific language impairment
Bishop, 2014
Ten questions about terminology for children with unexplained language problems
Kahmi, 2004
A Meme’s Eye View of Speech-Language Pathology
Nelson, 2016
Language XX: What shall it be called and why does it matter?
O Malley-Keighran and Colman, 2014
‘I am not a tragedy: I am full of hope’: communication impairment narratives in newspapers
Redmond, 2016
Language Impairment in the Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Context
Redmond, Ash & Hogan, 2015.
Consequences of Co-Occurring Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder on Children’s Language Impairments
September 18 - September 24, 2016 Readings
Topic: Theories of ‘language learning impairment and therapy’: How are they reflected in SLP/SLT interventions?
Adams, Gaile, Lockton, & Freed, 2015
Integrating Language, Pragmatics, and Social Intervention in a Single-Subject Case Study of a Child With a Developmental Social Communication Disorder
Crooke & Olswang, 2015
Practice-Based Research: Another Pathway for Closing the Research-Practice Gap
Douglas, Campbell, & Hinckley, 2015
Implementation Science: Buzzword or Game Changer?"
Gillam & Gillam, 2014
Improving Clinical Services: Be Aware of Fuzzy Connections Between Principles and Strategies
McKean, Letts, & Howard, 2013
Developmental Change Is Key to Understanding Primary Language Impairment: The Case of Phonotactic Probability and Nonword Repetition
Olswang & Prelock, 2015
Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice: Implementation Science
Plante, Ogilvie, Vance, Aguilar, Dailey, Meyers, Lieser, & Burton, 2014
Variability in the Language Input to Children Enhances Learning in a Treatment Context
Poll, 2011
Increasing the Odds: Applying Emergentist Theory in Language Intervention
Ricks & Alt, 2016
Theoretical Principles to Guide the Teaching of Adjectives to Children Who Struggle With Word Learning: Synthesis of Experimental and Naturalistic Research With Principles of Learning Theory
Sosa, 2016
Lexical Considerations in the Treatment of Speech Sound Disorders in Children
Turkstra, Norman, Whyte, Dijkers, & Hart, 2016
Knowing What We're Doing: Why Specification of Treatment Methods Is Critical for Evidence-Based Practice in Speech-Language Pathology
Tyler, 2016
Integrated Speech and Language Interventions
August 28 - September 3, 2016 Readings
Topic: "Peer Review” vs. "Reader Review"? How do you make informed decisions about healthcare and educational literature?
Articles from ASHA
CRED Library
Peer review
Fischer, 2011
Master Clinician Network: An online social network for the observation of peer-reviewed clinical practice in Communication Sciences and Disorders
Justice, 2008
The peer in peer review
Kreiman, 2016
On peer review
Pratt, 2010
Reviewers are critical to the peer review process
Open access articles
Hardie, 2010
Is This Article Worth Reading? A Critical Analysis of Peer Review
Jefferson, Rudin, Brodney Folse, & Davidoff, 2007
Editorial peer review for improving the quality of reports of biomedical studies
Nature, 2006
Quality and value: The true purpose of peer review
August 21 - August 27, 2016 Readings
Topic: The SLPs/SLTs in private/independent practice: Challenges, opportunities and aspirations. Is the journey taking us where we want to go?
Crooke & Olswang, 2015
Practice-based research: Another pathway for closing the research practice based gap
Ehrgott & Silberer, 2014
Peer Mentoring in Clinical Education
Emm and Cecconi, 2011
Leadership in Teaching: Using Student Perspectives on Administration, Supervision and Private Practice
ASHA Leader
Dougherty, 2013
In private practice: What would you do?
Ginsburg, 2015
Kick it into overdrive: Are you just meeting your expenses?
Goswitz, 2014
Private ties
Merkel-Walsh, 2013
In private practice: No more no-shows
Murray Law, 2014
Words without walls
Pierotti, 2014
Make it work: How to sustain a part-time practice
Wetherill, 2016
Benefits of a business mentor
Wiley, 2014
Homework lab takes the bite from the core
August 7 to August 13, 2016 Readings
Topic: The SLP/SLT roadmap: Past, present and future!
Journal articles
Adams Nikjeh, 2012
Dollars $$ Sense: Future Health Care Landscape for Speech-Language Pathologists: While Some Things Change, Basic Compliance Remains
Crowley & Baigorri, 2011
Effective Approaches to International Work: Substance and Sustainability for Speech-Language Pathology Student Groups
Grillo & Thomas, 2016
Using High-Fidelity Simulation to Facilitate Graduate Student Clinical Learning
Hasselkus, 2011
Working With Older Adults: Impact of the Affordable Care Act and Other Trends in Health Care
Inglebret, Pavel (CHiXapkaid), & Pavel, 2011
Multiliteracies: An Approach for Framing Service Delivery with Indigenous Children
Kalinyak-Fliszar, Martin, Keshner, Rudnicky, Shi, & Teodoro, 2015
Using Virtual Technology to Promote Functional Communication in Aphasia: Preliminary Evidence From Interactive Dialogues With Human and Virtual Clinicians
Kashinath, Pearman, & Canales, 2015
Using Technology to Facilitate Authentic Assessment of Bilingual Preschool Children
Lee & Cherney, 2016
Computer-Based Treatments for Aphasia: Advancing Clinical Practice and Research
Malmberg, Lunner, Kähäri, Jansson, & Andersson, 2015
Implementing Internet-Based Aural Rehabilitation in a General Clinical Practice
Martinez & Bridges-Bond, 2012
Pathways to Culturally Responsive Service Delivery Through Technology
Moore, 2016
Use of a Clinical Outcomes Database: A Resource for Health Services Research
Morgan, Scheffner Hammer, Farkas, Hillemeier, Maczuga, Cook, & Morano, 2016
Who Receives Speech/Language Services by 5 Years of Age in the United States?
Parker, 2011
Biotechnology in the Treatment of Sensorineural Hearing Loss: Foundations and Future of Hair Cell Regeneration
Salas-Provance, Marchino, & Escobedo, 2014
Volunteerism: An Anchor for Global Change through Partnerships in Learning and Service
Scheffner Hammer, 2011
Broadening Our Knowledge About Diverse Populations
St. John Rumsey, 1937 pdf from here
The future of speech therapy
Theodoros, 2011
Telepractice in Speech-Language Pathology: The Evidence, the Challenges, and the Future
Ward, Baker, Wall, Duggan, Hancock, Bassett, & Hyde, 2014
Can Human Mannequin-Based Simulation Provide a Feasible and Clinically Acceptable Method for Training Tracheostomy Management Skills for Speech-Language Pathologists?
Zraick, Harten, & Hagstrom, 2014
Interprofessional Education and Practice: A Primer for Training Future Clinicians
Other articles
ASHA 2016a
Audiology, Speech-Language Pathology Rank in High-Growth Occupations
ASHA’s envisioned future: 2025
ASHA 2016b
ASHA’s Strategic Pathway and You: Focus on Objective 7
Brown, 2015
Health Care SLPs Face Productivity Pressures, Fewer Full-Time Positions
Health Workforce Australia 2014: Australia’s Health Workforce Series – Speech Pathologists in Focus
Hasselkus, 2011
What’s Happening in Health Care: 2011 Survey Results
Hutchins, 2016
Treatment Time-Share: A feeding day care program takes an interprofessional approach to treating children and training parents
Speech Pathology 2030 – making futures happen 2016, Understanding the landscape – a stimulus paper
Sutherland Cornett & McNeilly, 2012
Health Care Change Ahead: Are You Ready?
The Future of Clinical Speech Pathology (Reddit)
The Future of Speech Therapy (VocoVision blog)
ASHA: Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Associations Outside of the United States
July 31 - August 6, 2016 Readings
Dysphagia diets
ASHA Journal articles
Cichero, 2006
Viscosity Testing: Opening Pandora's Box
Cichero, 2014
Standardization of Dysphagia Diet Terminology across the Lifespan: An International Perspective
Cichero, Jackson, Halley, & Murdoch, 2000
Which One of These Is Not Like the Others? An Inter-Hospital Study of the Viscosity of Thickened Fluids
Mills, 2006
Control in VFSS Test Material Preparation: A Report of Survey Results
Robbins, Nicosia, Hind, Gill, Blanco, & Logemann, 2002
Defining physical properties of fluids for dysphagia evaluation and treatment
Selected international guidelines
Irish Consistency Descriptors for Modified Foods and Fluids: Consensus Document, 2009
Japan, Food Safety Commission, 2010, Risk Assesment Report Choking Accidents Caused by Foods
RCSLT Dysphagia Diet Food Texture Descriptors, 2011
Articles from Dysphagia
Cichero, Nicholson, & Dodrill, 2011
Liquid barium is not representative of infant formula: characterisation of rheological and material properties
Cichero, Jackson, Halley, & Murdoch, 2000
How thick is thick? Multicenter study of the rheological and material property characteristics of mealtime fluids and videofluoroscopy fluids
Fink & Ross, 2009
Are we testing a true thin liquid?
Garcia, Chambers, Matta, & Clark, 2005
Viscosity measurements of nectar- and honey-thick liquids: product, liquid, and time comparisons
Glassburn & Deem, 1998
Thickener viscosity in dysphagia management: variability among speech-language pathologists
Hanson, O'Leary, & Smith, 2012
The effect of saliva on the viscosity of thickened drinks
Newman, Vilardell, Clave, & Speyer, 2016
Effect of Bolus Viscosity on the Safety and Efficacy of Swallowing and the Kinematics of the Swallow Response in Patients with Oropharyngeal Dysphagia: White Paper by the European Society for Swallowing Disorders (ESSD)
Nicosia & Robbins, 2007
The usefulness of the line spread test as a measure of liquid consistency
Steele, Alsanei, Ayanikalath, Barbon, Chen, Cichero, Coutts, Dantas, Duivestein, Giosa, Hanson, Lam, Lecko, Leigh, Nagy, Namasivayam, Nascimento, Odendaal, Smith, & Wang, 2015
The Influence of Food Texture and Liquid Consistency Modification on Swallowing Physiology and Function: A Systematic Review
Vickers, Damodhar, Grummer, Mendenhall, Banaszynski, Hartel, Hind, Joyce, Kaufman, & Robbins, 2015
Relationships Among Rheological, Sensory Texture, and Swallowing Pressure Measurements of Hydrocolloid-Thickened Fluids
Vilardell, Rofes, Arreola, Speyer, & Clave, 2016
A Comparative Study Between Modified Starch and Xanthan Gum Thickeners in Post-Stroke Oropharyngeal Dysphagia
Article from Current Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Reports
Cichero, Steele, Duivestein, Clavé, Chen, Kayashita, Dantas, Lecko, Speyer, Lam, & Murray, 2013
The Need for International Terminology and Definitions for Texture-Modified Foods and Thickened Liquids Used in Dysphagia Management: Foundations of a Global Initiative
July 24 to July 30, 2016 Readings
The arts and communication: Implications for SLPs/SLTs worldwide
AAC and the Arts pdf
Chasin, 2012
Music and the Problem With Hearing Aids
Hutchins, 2015
It’s a Rap: Engaging patients of all ages with rhythmic rhymes
Kilcoyne, Carrington, Walker-Smith, Morris, & Condon, 2014
Songs from the Outback: The Effectiveness of Music in Treating Articulation Disorders in Children Aged 2–5 Years with Cleft Palate and Velopharyngeal Dysfunction
Milburn, Hipfner-Boucher, Weitzman, Greenberg, Pelletier, & Girolametto, 2015
Effects of Coaching on Educators' and Preschoolers' Use of References to Print and Phonological Awareness During a Small-Group Craft/Writing Activity
Polovoy, 2014
From Silence to a ‘Din of Interaction’: An SLP harnesses her musical passion to found a choir for people with aphasia
The ASHA Leader, 2015
Theater Program May Benefit Children With ASD
July 10 to July 16, 2016 Readings
Topic: Empowering children and young people with communication difficulty to be central voices in their collaborative teams
Karasinski, 2013
Behavior Problems and Social Functioning in Adolescents With Language Impairment
Lindsay and Dockrell, 2012
Longitudinal Patterns of Behavioral, Emotional, and Social Difficulties and Self-Concepts in Adolescents With a History of Specific Language Impairment
McCormack, McLeod, McAllister, and Harrison, 2010
My Speech Problem, Your Listening Problem, and My Frustration: The Experience of Living With Childhood Speech Impairment
Russell and Kaderavek, 1993
Alternative Models for Collaboration
Spencer, Clegg, & Stackhouse, 2010
‘I don’t come out with big words like other people’: Interviewing adolescents as part of communication profiling
June 19 to June 25, 2016 Readings
Building an ePortfolio in SLP/SLT:
A reflection on the process and strategies for your professional learning
Australian ePortfolio Project (2009). ePortfolio concepts for academic staff [pamphlet]
Buckley, S., Coleman, J., Davison, I. S., Khan, K., Zamora, J., Malick, S., Morley, D., Pollard, D., Ashcroft, T., Popovic, C., & Sayers, J., (2009). The educational effects of portfolios on undergraduate student learning: A systematic review. Medical Teacher, 31, 282–298.
Jenson J. D. & Treuer P. (2014) Defining the E-Portfolio: What It Is and Why It Matters, Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 46(2), 50-57.
Lewis, A. & Strampel, K. (2014). Demonstrating competency through an ePortfolio: Student perceptions. Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech Language Pathology, 16(3), 139-146. ACCESS FULL TEXT (corrected proof)
Lewis, A. (2013). Reflective practice – what is it and how do I do it? Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech Language Pathology 15(2), 70-74. ACCESS FULL TEXT (corrected proof)
Tochel, C., Haig, A., Hesketh, A., Cadzow, A., Beggs, K., Colthart, I., & Peacock H. (2009). The effectiveness of portfolios for post-graduate assessment and education: BEME Guide No 12. Medical Teacher, 31(4), 299–318.
June 12 to June 18, 2016 Readings
Ethics in professional and clinical practice
Articles from ASHA
Bupp, 2012
Upsetting dilemmas
Kenny, Lincoln, and Balandin, 2010
Experienced speech-language pathologists' responses to ethical dilemmas: An integrated approach to ethical reasoning
Leslie and Casper, 2015
Ethical Challenges: Less About Moral Wrong doing and More About Communication Breakdown
Open Access Issue of JCPSLP devoted to Ethics, from Speech Pathology Australia
Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology, 2015, 17 (Supplement)
Seminars in Speech and Language
Chabon, S., Morris, J., & Lemoncello, R. (2011, November). Ethical deliberation: A foundation for evidence-based practice. Seminars in Speech and Language, 32(4), 298-308.
Pay walled articles
Flatley, D. R., Kenny, B. J., & Lincoln, M. A. (2014). Ethical dilemmas experienced by speech-language pathologists working in private practice. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 16(3), 290-303. ABSTRACT
Kenny, B., Lincoln, M., & Killian, F. (2015). Ethics Cases: Do they Elicit Different Levels of Ethical Reasoning? Journal of Academic Ethics, 13(3), 259-275. ABSTRACT
June 5 to June 11, 2016 Readings
Making a meaningful difference in SLP/SLT services for adults: Aphasia as a case example
Burns, Baylor, Dudgeon, Starks, and Yorkston, 2015
Asking the Stakeholders: Perspectives of Individuals With Aphasia, Their Family Members, and Physicians Regarding Communication in Medical Interactions
de Riesthal and Ross, 2015
Patient Reported Outcome Measures in Neurologic Communication Disorders: An Update
Helm-Estabrooks and Whiteside, 2012
Use of Life Interests and Values (LIV) Cards for Self-Determination of Aphasia Rehabilitation Goals
Holland, Halper, and Cherney, 2010
Tell Me Your Story: Analysis of Script Topics Selected by Persons With Aphasia
Hula, Doyle, Stone, Austermann Hula, Kellough, Wambaugh, Ross, Schumacher, and St. Jacque, 2015
The Aphasia Communication Outcome Measure (ACOM): Dimensionality, Item Bank Calibration, and Initial Validation
Milman, Vega-Mendoza, and Clendenen, 2014
Integrated Training for Aphasia: An Application of Part–Whole Learning to Treat Lexical Retrieval, Sentence Production, and Discourse-Level Communications in Three Cases of Nonfluent Aphasia
Worrall and Wallace, 2015
The ICF, Relationship-Centred Care and Research Outcome Measurement: Carol Frattali's Impact on Aphasia Research
May 8 to May 14 2016 Reading
Hope: Its relevance for speech and language therapy
Hinckley, Hasselkus, and Ganzfried, 2013
What People Living With Aphasia Think About the Availability of Aphasia Resources
May 1 to May 7, 2016 Readings
Research training for SLP/SLT students: Growing research capacity to strengthen our profession
Apel and Scudder, 2005
Integrating Evidence-Based Practice Instruction Into the Curriculum
Coston and Myers-Jennings, 2014
Engaging Undergraduate Students in Child Language Research
Friberg, Folkins and Visconti, 2013
Using Clinical and Research Activities to Enhance the Undergraduate Experience
Hagstrom, Baker, and Agan, 2009
Undergraduate Research: A Cognitive Apprenticeship Model
McComas, Fry, Frank, and Fraley, 2010
Community of Research Practice: A Model for Student Research
Roth, 2015
The 21st Century Educational Landscape: Implications for the Academic and Clinical Preparation of SLPs
Tattersall, 2015
“Flipped” Classroom: Benefits Versus Challenges for Communicative Sciences and Disorders Faculty and Students
April 24 - April 30, 2016 Readings
Figuring it out: SLPs/SLTs targeting figurative language skills in children and adolescents with language learning impairment: #LLI_
Cain & Towse, 2008
To Get Hold of the Wrong End of the Stick: Reasons for Poor Idiom Understanding in Children With Reading Comprehension Difficulties
Ezell & Goldstein, 1991
Comparison of Idiom Comprehension of Normal Children and Children With Mental Retardation
Nippold & Duthie, 2003
Mental Imagery and Idiom Comprehension: A Comparison of School-Age Children and Adults
Nippold, Frantz-Kaspar, Cramond, Kirk, Hayward-Mayhew, & MacKinnon, 2015
Critical Thinking About Fables: Examining Language Production and Comprehension in Adolescents
Nippold, Moran, & Schwarz, 2001
Idiom Understanding in Preadolescents: Synergy in Action
Norbury, 2004
Factors Supporting Idiom Comprehension in Children With Communication Disorders
Qualls & Harris, 2003
Age, Working Memory, Figurative Language Type, and Reading Ability: Influencing Factors in African American Adults' Comprehension of Figurative Language
Qualls, O'Brien, Blood, & Scheffner Hammer, 2003
Contextual Variation, Familiarity, Academic Literacy, and Rural Adolescents' idiom Knowledge
Spector, 1996
Children's Comprehension of Idioms in the Context of Humor
Whyte, Nelson, & Scherf, 2014
Idiom, Syntax, and Advanced Theory of Mind Abilities in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders
April 17 - April 23, 2016 Readings
SLPs/SLTs collaborating with teachers on #LLI_ and language goals in the classroom: Evidence and implementation
ASHA Journals
Brinton, B., Fujiki, M., Montague, E.C., & Hanton, J. L. (2000). Children with language impairment in cooperative work groups: A pilot study. Language, Speech, & Hearing in Schools, 31, 252-264.
Cirrin, F. M., Schooling, T.L., Nelson, N.W., Diehl, S.F., Flynn, P.F., Staskowski, M., Torrey, T. Z., & Adamczyk, D.F. (2010). Evidence-based systematic review: Effects of different service delivery models on communication outcomes for elementary school-age children. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 41, 233-64.
Ehren, B.J. (2000). Maintaining a therapeutic focus and sharing responsibility for student success: Keys to in-classroom speech-language services. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 31, 219-229.
Flynn, P. (2010). New service delivery models: Connecting SLPs with teachers and curriculum. The Asha Leader, 15, 22. doi:10.1044/leader.SCM1.15102010.22
Gillam, S.L., Olszewski, A., Fargo, J., & Gillam, R.B. (2014). Classroom-based narrative and vocabulary instruction: Results of an early-stage, nonrandomized comparison study. Language, Speech and Hearing Services in Schools, 45, 204-19.
Hadley, P.A., Simmerman, A., Long, M., & Luna, M. (2000). Facilitating language development for inner-city children: Experimental evaluation of a collaborative, classroom-based intervention. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 31, 280-295.
Kaufman, S.S., Prelock, P.A., Weiler, E.M., Creaghead, N.A., & Donnelly, C.A. (1994). Metapragmatic awareness of explanation adequacy: Developing skills for academic success from a collaborative communication skills unit. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 25, 174-180.
Palincsar, A.S., Collins, K.M., Marano, N.L., & Magnusson, S.J. (2000). Investigating the engagement and learning of students with learning disabilities in guided inquiry science teaching. Language, Speech, & Hearing Services in Schools, 31, 240-251.
Silliman, E.R., Bahr, R., Beasman, J., & Wilkinson, LC. (2000). Scaffolds for learning to read in an inclusion classroom. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 31, 265-279.
Starling, J., Munro, N., Togher, L., & Arciuli. (2012). Training secondary school teachers in instructional language modification techniques to support adolescents with language impairment: A randomized controlled trial. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 43, 474-495.
Throneburg, R.N., Calvert, L.K., Sturm, J.J., & Paramboukas, A.A. (2000). A comparison of service delivery models: Effects on curricular vocabulary skills in the school setting. American Journal of Speech and Language Pathology, 9, 10-20.
Open Access
Dean, D. (2008). Sentence combining: Building skills through reading and writing. Classroom Notes Plus, August, 6-11.
Inquiry-based learning (May, 2013). Capacity Building Series. Secretariat Special Edition #32.
Smith-Lock, K.M., Leitao, S., Lambert, L., & Nickels, L. (2013). Effective intervention for expressive grammar in children with specific language impairment. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 48, 265-82.
Spencer, T.D., Peterson, D.B., Slocum, T.A., & Allen, M.M. (2015). Large group narrative intervention in Head Start preschools: Implications for response to intervention. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 13, 196-217.
Zentall, S.S., & Lee, J. (2012). A reading motivation intervention with differential outcomes for students at risk for reading disabilities, ADHD, and typical comparisons: ‘Clever is and clever does’. Learning Disability Quarterly, 35, 248-259.
March 13 - March 19, 2016 Readings
#WeSpeechies and the global conversation about speech-language pathology:
Implications of the 10 year Twitter anniversary for clinical, research, and policy impact.
ASHA Journals
Caron, J., Light, J., (2015). “My World Has Expanded Even Though I'm Stuck at Home”: Experiences of Individuals With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Who Use Augmentative and Alternative Communication and Social Media. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 24(4), 680-695.
Open access
Basevi, R., Reid, D., Godbold, R. (2014). Ethical guidelines and the use of social media and text messaging in health care: a review of literature New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy 42(2): 68-80.
Public health
Capurro, D., Cole, K., Echavarria, M., Jooe, J., Neog, T., & Turner, A. M. (2014). The Use of Social Networking Sites for Public Health Practice and Research: A Systematic Review
Hemsley, B., Dann, S., Palmer, S., Allan, M., & Balandin, S. (2015). “We definitely need an audience”: experiences of Twitter, Twitter networks and tweet content in adults with severe communication disabilities who use augmentative and alternative communication (AAC), Disability and Rehabilitation, 37(17), 1531-1542
Twitter Research
Schnitzler, K., Davies, N., Ross, F., & Harris, R. (2016). Using Twitter™ to drive research impact: A discussion of strategies, opportunities and challenges. 59, 15-26.
Not open access (available on request from the second author)
Traumatic Brain Injury
Brunner, M., Hemsley, B., Palmer, S., Dann, S., & Togher, L. (2015). Review of the literature on the use of social media by people with traumatic brain injury (TBI). Disability and Rehabilitation, 37, 1511-1521.
March 6 - March 12, 2016 Readings
Professionalism and Speech-Language Pathology / Speech and Language Therapy
Bayles, 2000
The Power of One: Clinical Practice in Neurogenics: Advocating for Your Scope of Practice
Casper, 2014
Ethically Navigating the Maze of Billing, Documentation, and Reimbursement for Dysphagia Services in Long-Term Care
Duchan, 2012
Historical and Cultural Influences on Establishing Professional Legitimacy: A Case Example From Lionel Logue
Eldridge, 2013
To be Certified or Recognized, That is the Question
Graner, Pressman, and Wagner, 2010
Maintaining SLPs as the Preferred Providers of Dysphagia Services: A Call to Action
Kamhi, 2011
Balancing Certainty and Uncertainty in Clinical Practice
Ostergren and Aguilar, 2015
An International Perspective on Speech-Language Pathology Assistants
Schuele, 2009
Language and Literacy: What's a Speech-Language Pathologist to Do?
Sutherland-Cornett, Henri, and Hallowell, 1997
Management Issues: Ethics and Clinical Productivity Pressures Under Managed Care
Zraick, Harten, and Hagstrom, 2014
Interprofessional Education and Practice: A Primer for Training Future Clinicians
February 28 - March 5, 2016 Readings
Collaboration between teachers and SLPs/SLTs:
Supporting older school students’ language for academic tasks
Alt, Arizmendi, and Beal, 2014
The relationship between mathematics and language: academic implications for children with Specific Language Impairment and English language learners
Dixon, 2014
School Matters: How to Make Collaboration Click
Ehren, 2015
Shout It Out: We Are Critical to Students’ Academic Achievement
Fallon and Katz, 2011
Providing Written Language Services in the Schools: The Time Is Now
Gray and Yang, 2015
Selecting Vocabulary Words to Teach
Malani, 2015
Diving into Digital. The ASHA Leader, 20(9), online only. doi: 10.1044/leader.OV.20092015.np.
Murza and Ehren, 2015
Data-Based Decision Making in Professional Learning for School Speech-Language Pathologists
Scott, 2014
One Size Does Not Fit All: Improving Clinical Practice in Older Children and Adolescents With Language and Learning Disorders
Srivastava and Gray, 2012
Computer-Based and Paper-Based Reading Comprehension in Adolescents With Typical Language Development and Language-Learning Disabilities
Starling, Munro, Togher, and Arciuli, 2012
Training Secondary School Teachers in Instructional Language Modification Techniques to Support Adolescents With Language Impairment: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Swenson and Williams, 2015
How to Collaborate: Five Steps for Success
Tyszka and DiLuzio, 2015
Collaborative Groups: Application of a Framework for Interprofessional Collaboration in a High School Setting
Wallach, 2014
Improving Clinical Practice: A School-Age and School-Based Perspective
February 21 - February 27, 2016 Readings
What do we mean by “higher order language skills”, and is this term useful?
Ford, J. A., & Milosky, L. M. (2008). Inference generation during discourse and its relation to social competence: An online investigation of abilities of children with and without language impairment. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 51(2), 367-380.
Lucas, R., & Norbury, C. F. (2015). Making inferences from text: it's vocabulary that matters. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 58(4), 1224-1232.
Nippold, M. A., Frantz-Kaspar, M. W., Cramond, P. M., Kirk, C., Hayward-Mayhew, C., & MacKinnon, M. (2015). Critical Thinking About Fables: Examining Language Production and Comprehension in Adolescents. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 58(2), 325-335.
Peets, K. F. (2009). The effects of context on the classroom discourse skills of children with language impairment. Language, speech, and hearing services in schools, 40(1), 5-16.
Scott, C. M. (2014). One size does not fit all: Improving clinical practice in older children and adolescents with language and learning disorders. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 45(2), 145-152.
February 14 - February 20, 2016 Readings
Using Social Media as an #SLP2b/#SLT2b: Perspectives of a new graduate #SLP
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association 2013
Spreading the Word: Making Twitter Work For You
Bland 2014
Get social: on being socially savvy
Coyle 2013
Get Social: Build Your Career With Social Media
Coyle & Chan 2015
Using social media for professional advancement: lessons learned
Davis 2013
Exploring Virtual PLC’s: Professional development for the busy practitioner
Huston 2013
Get Social: Build Your Career With Facebook? Yes, Really
Klingensmith 2014
Get Your CSD Tweet On
Lewis 2014
How to Keep Your Business Side Separate
McNiece 2016
One is the loneliest number, so go online
Sampson 2014
On The Pulse: For Your Eyes Only?
February 7 - February 13, 2016 Readings
What’s your vision? Speech Language Pathology/Therapy from now to 2030! #SP2030
Attrill, Lincoln, and McAllister, 2015
International students in speech-language pathology clinical education placements; perception of experience and competency development
Bowen, 2012 WEB PAGE | PDF
Webwords 44: November 2012: Life online
Bowen, 2015 WEB PAGE | PDF
Webwords 52: Speech-Language Pathology: A young profession in an ageing world web page
Caron and Light, 2015
My world has expanded even though I am stuck at home: Experiences of people with ALS who use AAC and Social media
Hemsley and Bowen, 2015
A Call for Evidence To Inform The Use of Twitter in Speech Language Pathology
Hemsley, Dann, Palmer, Allan & Balandin, 2015 Open Access
“We definitely need an audience”: experiences of Twitter, Twitter networks and tweet content in adults with severe communication disabilities who use augmentative and alternative communication (AAC)
McCormack and Verdon, 2015
Mapping Speech Pathology Services to Developmentally Vulnerable and at-risk communities using the Australian Early Development Census
McLeod and Verdon, 2013
A review of 30 speech assessments in 19 languages other than English
Mirenda, 2013
Autism Spectrum Disorder- past, present and future
Peter, 2012
The Future of Genetics At Our Doorstep
Scarborough, Garver, and Levin, 2014
0-3 population: past, present and future directions for providing feeding and swallowing services.
Sekhon, Douglas, and Rose, 2015
Current Australian speech-language pathology practice in addressing psychological well-being in people with aphasia after stroke
Theodoros, 2011
Telepractice in speech language pathology: The evidence, the challenges and the future
Ward, Baker, Wall, Duggan, Hancock, Bassett, and Hyde, 2014
Can Human Mannequin-Based Simulation Provide a Feasible and Clinically Acceptable Method for Training Tracheostomy Management Skills for Speech-Language Pathologists?
Watson, 2008
Preparing Clinicians to Treat Stuttering Looking to the Future
Williams, 2013
Telepractice: New and Emerging Technologies that promise change
Wisely, 2015
The Numbers Game in Older Adult Care
ASHA’s Strategic Pathway, the Future of the Professions—and You
Brain Test Could Predict Future Literacy Challenges
Speech Pathology Australia Strategic Plan 2014-2016
November 15 - November 21, 2015 Readings
SLP/SLT as Serious Leisure Perspective: Second Careers in Speech-Language Pathology
Barclay, S. R., Stoltz, K. B., & Chung, Y. B. (2011). Voluntary Midlife Career Change: Integrating the Transtheoretical Model and the Life‐Span, Life‐Space Approach. The Career Development Quarterly, 59(5), 386-399. Abstract
Brodsky, M. B., & Cooke, P. A. (2000). Influences in the Decision‐Making Process for Careers As a Speech‐Language Pathologist or an Audiologist. Journal of Employment Counseling, 37(3), 178-189. Full Text
Gallant, K. (2015). Careers in serious leisure: from dabbler to devotee in search of fulfillment. Annals of Leisure Research, 1-2. Book review, p.1
Pangborn, M. (2013). Student's Say: In School With My Girls. ASHA Leader
Shane, T. (2014). Finding Strength, Resilience and Speech-Language Pathology—as a Future Clinician and Current Client. ASHA Leader Blog
Stebbins, R. A. (2014). Careers in Serious Leisure: From Dabbler to Devotee in Search of Fulfilment. Palgrave Macmillan. Book synopsis
Sullivan, A. (2014). Parent turned provider. ASHA Leader
Online discussion: Too Old For a Career Change to SLP?
November 1 - November 7, 2015 Readings
SLP/SLT service delivery in non-traditional environments
Folkins, Brackenbury, Krause, and Haviland, 2015
Enhancing the therapy experience using principles of video game design
Hagge, 2014
Alternative service delivery model: A group communication training series for partners of persons with aphasia
Higdon, 2002
Non-traditional clinical experiences in Costa Rica ASHA Leader
Politis, 2014
Breaking with tradition: A paradigm shift in cognitive rehabilitation
Threats, 2012
Use of the ICF for Guiding Patient-Reported Outcome Measures
October 25 - October 31, 2015 Readings
Consumer protections and speech pathology services:
Are we doing the right things at the right times?
Allsop and Jones, 2008
Withering the Citizen, Managing the Consumer: Complaints in Healthcare Settings
Full Text Available
Baggott and Forster, 2008
Health consumer and patients’ organizations in Europe: towards a comparative analysis
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Benny, 2015
Provider-centric models of care in which most consumers of healthcare are passive
View 1 page
Carroll, 2010
“It’s not every day that parents get a chance to talk like this”: Exploring parents’ perceptions and expectation of speech-language pathology services for children with intellectual disability
Full Text Available
Freckelton, 2011
Unscientific health practice and disciplinary and consumer protection litigation
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Freckelton, 2012
Misplaced hope: misleading health service practitioner representations and consumer protection
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Hare, Law, and Brennan, 2013
The vulnerable healthcare consumer: an interpretive synthesis of the patient experience literature
Hester and Stevens-Ratchford, 2009
Health Literacy and the Role of the Speech-Language Pathologist
14-Day Free Access from ASHA
Mahar, Fitzpatrick, and Douglas, 2014
Expansion of clinical practice and regulation of advertising for the medical profession and other health services in Australia
No Abstract
Morris, Ferguson, and Worrall, 2014
A qualitative study of legal and social justice needs for people with aphasia
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Moulton and King, 2010
Aligning Ethics with Medical Decision-Making: The Quest for Informed Patient Choice
Full Text Available
Murphy, Trembath, Arciuli, and Roberts, 2011
Supporting parents of children with autism spectrum disorders to become informed consumers of evidence on speech pathology practice
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Roulstone, 2011
Evidence, expertise, and patient preference in speech-language pathology
Shead and Dobson, 2004
Psychology for Sale: The Ethics of Advertising Professional Services
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Sturgeon, 2014
The business of the NHS: The rise and rise of consumer culture and commodification in the provision of healthcare services
Weaver, 2010
Consumer-driven Healthcare: What Is It?
October 18 to October 24, 2015 Readings
Multilingualism in the 21st Century: Implications for Speech-Language Pathologists
Cruz-Ferreira, 2010
Multilingual Typicality vs. Speech-language Disorder ASHA Leader Blog
Cruz-Ferreira, 2011
Recommending Monolingualism to Multilinguals – Why, and Why Not ASHA Leader Blog
Fiestas and Peña, 2004
Narrative discourse in bilingual children
Goldstein and Fabiano, 2007
Assessment and Intervention for Bilingual Children with Phonological Disorders ASHA Leader
Gutiérrez-Clellen and Peña, 2001
Dynamic Assessment of Diverse Children: A Tutorial
Kohnert and Windsor, 2004
The search for common ground Part II. Nonlinguisitc performance by linguistically diverse learners
McFadden, 1996
Creating Language Impairments in Typically Achieving ChildrenThe Pitfalls of "Normal" Normative Sampling
McLeod and Verdon, 2014
A Review of 30 Speech Assessments in 19 Languages Other Than English
Paradis, 2005
Grammatical Morphology in Children Learning English as a Second Language Implications of Similarities with Specific Language Impairment
Peña, Bedore, and Rappazzo, 2003
Comparison of Spanish, English, and Bilingual Children's Performance Across Semantic Tasks
Peña, Gillham, and Bedore, 2014
Dynamic Assessment of Narrative Ability in English Accurately Identifies Language Impairment in English Language Learners
Restrepo, 1998
Identifiers of Predominantly Spanish-Speaking Children With Language Impairment
October 4 to October 10, 2015 Readings
Dysphagia intervention for adults with acquired conditions - who, what, when, how and why?
Carnaby, 2012
Food for Thought. Importance of a Clinical Exam/Cranial Nerve Assessment
Clark and Solomon, 2012
Muscle Tone and the Speech-Language Pathologist: Definitions, Neurophysiology, Assessment, and Interventions
Gonzalez Rothi, Musson, Rosenbek, and Sapienza, 2008
Neuroplasticity and Rehabilitation Research for Speech, Language, and Swallowing Disorders
Huckabee and Macrae, 2014
Rethinking Rehab: Skill-Based Training for Swallowing Impairment
Krival, 2013
Dysphagia Services in Nursing Homes: An Opportunity for Improving Patient Outcomes Through Palliative Care
Leslie, Rourke, and Sacks, 2014
Doing What Works: A Discussion of Medical Futility
Logemann, 2007
Food for Thought: Do We Treat “The Swallow” or Swallowing Disorders?
Nund, Ward, Scarinici, and Cartmill, 2015
The Value of Qualitative Research in Dysphagia in the Head and Neck Cancer Population: What Can We Learn From the Survivors' Perspective?
Robbins, Butler, Daniels, Diez Gross, Langmore, Lazarus, Martin-Harris, McCabe, Musson, and Rosenbek, 2008
Swallowing and Dysphagia Rehabilitation: Translating Principles of Neural Plasticity Into Clinically Oriented Evidence
September 27 - October 3, 2015 Readings
Online Personal Learning Networks (PLN) in speech language pathology:
What's in it for me, and for us as a community?
Davis, 2013
Exploring Virtual PLCs: Professional development for the busy practitioner
Hester & Stevens-Ratchford, 2009
Health Literacy and the Role of the Speech-Language Pathologist
Hoit, 2006
Cross talking
Pickering, McAllister, Hagler, Whitehill, Penn, Robertson, & McCready, 1998
External Factors Influencing the Profession in Six Societies
Rezzonico, Hipfner-Boucher, Milburn, Weitzman, Greenberg, Pelletier, & Girolametto, 2015
Improving preschool educators' interactive shared book reading: Effects of coaching in professional development
McCrea, 2014 ASHA Leader
Who's in your (Professional) Family Tree
McLeod & Verdon, 2014
A Review of 30 Speech Assessments in 19 Languages Other Than English
Polovoy, 2014 ASHA Leader
Club SLP. Feel you’re missing out on energizing discussions with colleagues? This SLP did. So she did something about it
Prizant, 2014 ASHA Leader
On Shoulders of Giants. It’s vital to acknowledge our mentors and their profound influence, and recognize their importance in our professional lives
Silverman, 2008
Ongoing Self-Reflection
September 20 - September 26, 2015 Readings
Men in speech SLP/SLT: Addressing the Gender imbalance positively
ASHA, 2014 Website
Challenges to Successful Recruitment and Retention of School-Based SLPs
Edgar & Rosa-Lugo 2007
The Critical Shortage of Speech-Language Pathologists in the Public School Setting: Features of the Work Environment That Affect Recruitment and Retention
Lof, Mullen, & Rabinowiltz, 1999 Open Access CICSD
A Comparison of Characteristics of Males and Females in Graduate Speech-Language Pathology Programs
Maier, 2013
Why the Scarcity of Male SLPs—and What Can Be Done ASHA Leader Blog
Ryalls, 2013
"Where the Boys Aren't" Revisited ASHA Leaded Blog
Shapiro, D. A. (1994). Tender gender issues. ASHA. 36(11), 46-9. Shared with the kind permission of ASHA.
Werven G. (1994). Perspectives on the male speech-language pathologist. ASHA 36(11), 42-5. Shared with the kind permission of ASHA.
Other Journals
Branin 2009
Career Attainment among Healthcare Executives: Is the Gender Gap Narrowing?
Lantz, 2008
Gender and leadership in healthcare administration: 21st century progress and challenges
Litosseliti & Leadbeater, 2013
Speech and language therapy/pathology: Perspectives on a gendered profession
McKinson, 2007
Why do men become SLTs?
Mosheim, 2005
Men in Speech-Language Pathology: The rewards, the challenges, & ideas for adding to the ranks
Bending, 2012
Becoming a speech and language therapist; A qualitative exploration of the experiences of male speech and language therapy students and early career professionals. University of Exeter
Spiko, 2007
Perceptions of Speech-Language Pathologists
September 13 - September 19, 2015 Readings
Parkinson’s disease: Speech, swallowing and secretions
Anand & Stepp, 2015
Listener Perception of Monopitch, Naturalness, and Intelligibility for Speakers With Parkinson's Disease
Fossett, 2010
Deep brain stimulation: Description and implications for motor speech
Logemann, Gensler, Robbins, Lindblad, Brandt, Hind, Kisek, Dikeman, Kazandjian, Gramigna, Lundy, McGarvey-Toler, Miller, & Gardner, 2008
A randomized study of three interventions for aspiration of thin liquids in patients with dementia or Parkinson’s disease
Lustig & Ruiz, 2015
Drug-Induced Movement Disorders
Sapir, 2014
Multiple Factors Are Involved in the Dysarthria Associated With Parkinson's Disease
Spencer, Sanchez, McAllen, & Weir, 2010
Speech and cognitive-linguistic function in Parkinson’s disease
Strand, 2010
Corticobasal Ganglionic Degeneration and Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: Clinical and Speech-Language Characteristics
Voyzey, 2012
Cognitive Strategies for Individuals With Parkinson’s Disease
Walsh & Smith, 2011
Linguistic complexity, speech production, and comprehension in Parkinson’s disease: Behavioral and physiological indices
September 6 - September 12, 2015 Readings
Funding supports for people who use AAC/AUGcomm:
An exploration of what is ‘reasonable’ and ‘necessary’ in light of ‘equity’ and communication needs
Abbott & McBride, 2014
AAC Decision-Making and Mobile Technology: Points to Ponder
Anderson, Balandin, Stancliffe, & Layfield, 2014
Parents' Perspectives on Tele-AAC Support for Families with a New Speech Generating Device: Results from an Australian Pilot Study
Ball & Lasker, 2013
Teaching Partners to Support Communication for Adults with Acquired Communication Impairment
Brady, Thiemann-Bourque, Fleming, & Matthews, 2013
Predicting Language Outcomes for Children Learning Augmentative and Alternative Communication: Child and Environmental Factors
Brady, Storkel, Bushnell, Barker, Saunders, Daniels, & Fleming, 2015
Investigating a Multimodal Intervention for Children With Limited Expressive Vocabularies Associated With Autism
Calculator, 2014
Parents' Perceptions of Communication Patterns and Effectiveness of Use of Augmentative and Alternative Communication Systems by Their Children With Angelman Syndrome
Caron, 2015
“We Bought an iPad”: Considering Family Priorities, Needs, and Preferences as an AAC Support Provider
Doyle & Fager, 2011
Traumatic Brain Injury and AAC: Supporting Communication Through Recovery ASHA Leader
Farrall, 2015
Implementation of iPads for AAC in a Specialist School
Finke, Drager, & Serpentine, 2015
"It's Not Humanly Possible to Do Everything”: Perspectives on Intervention Decision-Making Processes of Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Grether, 2015
AAC Supports for Individuals With Rett Syndrome Across the Lifespan
Fried-Oken, Daniels, Ettinger, Mooney, Noethe, & Rowland, 2015
What's on Your Mind? Conversation Topics Chosen by People With Degenerative Cognitive-Linguistic Disorders for Communication Boards
Hill, 2014 ("Inbox" Letter)
SGD Issue is More Than Technology ASHA Leader
Kane, 2015
Are We Ready for Growing AAC Needs in Group Homes?: As more adults with intellectual disabilities live longer and lose their parents, they need increased support with communication systems ASHA Leader
King, Hengst, & DeThorne, 2013
Severe Speech Sound Disorders: An Integrated Multimodal Intervention
Meuris, Maes, & Zink, 2015
Teaching Adults With Intellectual Disability Manual Signs Through Their Support Staff: A Key Word Signing Program
Quinn, Beukelman, & Thiessen, 2011
Remote Instruction of Potential AAC Support Personnel
Zubow & Hurtig, 2013
A Demographic Study of AAC/AT Needs in Hospitalized Patients
Taylor & Francis
Meder & Wegner, 2015
IPads, Mobile Technologies, and Communication Applications: A Survey of Family Wants, Needs and Preferences Free Access Sep 4 to Oct 4 2015
Available from the authors
Iacono, T., Lyon, K., & West, D. (2011). Non-electronic communication aids for people with complex communication needs. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 13 (5), 399-410. REQUEST full text
August 30 - September 5, 2015 Readings
Speech Therapist? Speech-Language Therapist? Speech-Language Pathologist?
What do we call ourselves and how does that affect what others think we do?
Ellis, Gottfred, & Freiberg, 2015
“Minute to Win It”: Using Elevator Speeches to Advocate in Educational Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
Robinson, 2010 ASHA Leader
What’s in a name?
Byrne, 2010
Why do students from related professions choose not to enter speech-language pathology?
August 23 - August 29, 2015 Readings
Literacy assessment and intervention with adolescents in the school setting
ACQ (now called Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology)
Starling, Munro, Togher, & Arciuli, 2011
Supporting secondary school students with language impairment
[Speech Pathology Australia members: member login required]
Ehren, 2009
Looking Through an Adolescent Literacy Lens at the Narrow View of Reading
Ehren, 2009
Response-to-Intervention: SLPs as Linchpins in Secondary Schools ASHA Leader
Ehren & Murza, 2010
The Urgent Need to Address Workforce Readiness in Adolescent Literacy Intervention
Hallenbeck, 2014
Turning the Tables: Helping Students with Dyslexia Become Accomplished Writers
Lanter & Waldron, 2011
Preservice Efforts To Promote School-Based SLPs’ Roles in Written Language Development
Lewis, Freebairn, Tag, Ciesia, Iyengar, Stein, & Taylor, 2015
Adolescent Outcomes of Children with Early Speech Sound Disorders With and Without Language Impairment
Lindsay & Dockrell, 2012
Longitudinal Patterns of Behavioral, Emotional, and Social Difficulties and Self-Concepts in Adolescents With a History of Specific Language Impairment
Malani, 2013
Entering the Digital Literacy Era: Considerations for Digital Texts in Intervention
Price & Jackson, 2015
Procedures for Obtaining and Analyzing Writing Samples of School-Age Children and Adolescents
Skebo, Lewis, Freebairn, Tag, Ciesia, & Stein, 2013
Reading Skills of Students with Speech Sound Disorders at Three Stages of Literacy Development
Sun & Wallach, 2013
Adolescent Literacy: Looking Beyond Core Language Learning Deficits
Ward-Lonergan, 2010
Supporting Literacy Development in Adolescents Through Written Language
Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties
Smart, Prior, Sanson, & Oberklaid 2005
Children with reading difficulties: A six year follow-up from early primary school to secondary school
Child Language Teaching & Therapy
Vance & Clegg, 2010
Editorial: Research and practice in the language and communication needs of adolescents in secondary education
Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics
Steele & Watkins, 2010 Free Access August 23 2015 through December 31 2015
Learning word meanings during reading by children with language learning disability and typically-developing peers
Social Media And Communication Disability:
Implications For Speech Language Professionals
Editorial and 8 articles from Disability and Rehabilitation free to download until August 22 2015
Balandin & Molka-Danielsen, 2015
Teachers’ perceptions of virtual worlds as a medium for social inclusion for adults with intellectual disability
Brunner, Hemsley, Palmer, Dann, & Togher, 2015
Review of the literature on the use of social media by people with traumatic brain injury (TBI)
Davis, 2015
Teachers’ perceptions of Twitter for professional development
Hemsley, Dann, Palmer, Allan & Balandin, 2015 Open Access
“We definitely need an audience”: experiences of Twitter, Twitter networks and tweet content in adults with severe communication disabilities who use augmentative and alternative communication (AAC)
Hemsley & Murray, 2015
Distance and proximity: Research on social media connections in the field of communication disability EDITORIAL
Hynan, Golbart, & Murray, 2015
A grounded theory of Internet and social media use by young people who use augmentative and alternative communication (AAC)
Paterson & Carpenter, 2015
Using different methods to communicate: how adults with severe acquired communication difficulties make decisions about the communication methods they use and how they experience them
Raghavendra, Newman, Grace, & Wood, 2015
Enhancing social participation in young people with communication disabilities living in rural Australia: outcomes of a home-based intervention for using social media
Stendal & Balandin, 2015
Virtual worlds for people with autism spectrum disorder: a case study in Second Life
Special Issue on Social Media and Communication
Also Free to Download until 22 August, 2015
Chapters by Stephen Dann in Burkhalter & Wood 2015 courtesy IGI Global, @IGIglobal
Dann, S. (2015a). Benchmarking Micro-Blog Performance: Twitter Content Classification Framework. In J. Burkhalter, & N. Wood (Eds.) Maximizing Commerce and Marketing Strategies through Micro-Blogging (pp. 313-332). Hershey, PA: Business Science Reference.
Dann, S. (2015b). Twitter Data Acquisition and Analysis: Methodology and Best Practice. In J. Burkhalter, & N. Wood (Eds.) Maximizing Commerce and Marketing Strategies through Micro-Blogging (pp. 280-296). Hershey, PA: Business Science Reference.
How to download the chapters in 5 easy steps
1. Click Dann, S. (2015a).
2. Complete this form:
3. Click "✔ Submit".
4. Click "✔ Download Free Content".
5. Go to your Downloads folder and save the chapter.
6. Repeat for Dann, S. (2015b).
August 9 - August 15, 2015 Readings
The challenge and promise of Information Technology:
Exploring the impact on the task and role of the SLP/SLT
Anderson, Balandin, Stancliffe, & Layfield, 2014
Parents' Perspectives on Tele-AAC Support for Families with a New Speech Generating Device: Results from an Australian Pilot Study
Calculator, 2014
Parents’ Perceptions of Communication Patterns and Effectiveness of Use of Augmentative and Alternative Communication Systems by Their Children With Angelman Syndrome
Cohn, 2012
Tele-Ethics in Telepractice for Communication Disorders
Coleman, Frymark, Franceschini, & Theodoros, 2015
Assessment and Treatment of Cognition and Communication Skills in Adults With Acquired Brain Injury via Telepractice: A Systematic Review
Crutchley & Campbell, 2012
Implementing a School-Based Telepractice Program
Goldberg, Haley, & Jacks, 2012
Script Training and Generalization for People With Aphasia
Hall, Boisvert, Jellison, & Andrianopoulos, 2014
Language Intervention via Text-Based Tele-AAC: A Case Study Comparing On-site and Telepractice Services
Laughran & Sackett, 2015
Telesupervision and ASHA's Tasks of Supervision
Lewis, Packman, Onslow, Simpson, & Jones, 2008
A phase II trial of telehealth delivery of the Lidcombe Program of Early Stuttering Intervention
Mashima, Birkmire-Peters, Syms, Holtel, Burgess, & Peters, 2003
Telehealth: Voice therapy using telecommunications technology
Shprintzen & Golding-Kushner, 2012
The International Use of Telepractice
van Leer & Connor, 2015
Predicting and Influencing Voice Therapy Adherence Using Social-Cognitive Factors and Mobile Video
August 2 - August 8, 2015 Readings
Schools-Based SLPs and working with children with complex needs
Alliano, Herriger, Koutsoftas, & Bartolotta, 2012
A Review of 21 iPad Applications for Augmentative and Alternative Communication Purposes
Binger, Kent-Walsh, Ewing, & Taylor, 2010
Teaching Educational Assistants to Facilitate the Multisymbol Message Productions of Young Students Who Require Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Brady, Storkel, Bushnell, Barker, Saunders, Daniels & Fleming, 2015
Investigating a Multimodal Intervention for Children with Limited Expressive Vocabularies Associated with Autism
Brady, Thiemann-Bourque, Fleming, & Matthews, 2013
Predicting Language Outcomes for Children Learning Augmentative and Alternative Communication: Child and Environmental Factors
Cejas, Barker, Quittner, & Niparko, 2014
Development of Joint Engagement in Young Deaf and Hearing Children: Effects of Chronological Age and Language Skills
Davis, 2014
Autism in the Schools: IEP Best Practices at Work
Kent-Walsh, Binger, & Hasham, 2010
Effects of Parent Instruction on the Symbolic Communication of Children Using Augmentative and Alternative Communication During Storybook Reading
Kover, Davidson, Sindberg, & Weismer, 2014
Use of the ADOS for Assessing Spontaneous Expressive Language in Young Children With ASD: A Comparison of Sampling Contexts
Tager-Flusberg, Rogers, Cooper, Landa, Lord, Paul, Rice, Stoel-Gammon, Wetherby, & Yoder, 2009
Defining Spoken Language Benchmarks and Selecting Measures of Expressive Language Development for Young Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders
Walker & McGregor, 2013
Word Learning Processes in Children With Cochlear Implants
July 26 - August 1, 2015 Readings
Critical Care Management in Speech Language Therapy/Pathology:
Trache/Vent, Dysphagia, Communication and Oral Care
Abraham, 2005
Clinical and Fluoroscopic Issues in the Management of Swallowing Disorders in Infants and Young Children With Tracheostomies
Bailey, 2005
Tracheostomy and Dysphagia: A Complex Association
Coyle, 2014
Dysphagia Following Prolonged Endotracheal Intubation: Is There A Rule of Thumb?
Dikeman, Kazandjian & Lerner, 2008
Concepts in Ventilator Weaning: Challenges for the Patient With Dysphagia
Dikeman, Kazandjian, Tun, Niyazova, Tsai & Russo, 2009
The Interaction of Pulmonary Physiology and Swallowing: A Juggling Act for the Physician and Speech-Language Pathologist
Francis & Gelbard, 2014
Tracheostomy and Dysphagia: True, True, and Unrelated?
Kline & Hutcheson, 2014
Nutritional Considerations in Dysphagia to Prevent Malnutrition
Leder, 2015
Comparing Simultaneous Clinical Swallow Evaluations and Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluations of Swallowing: Findings and Consequences
Matthews & Coyle, 2010 [The ASHA Leader]
Reducing Pneumonia Risk Factors in Patients with Dysphagia Who Have A Tracheotomy: What Role Can SLPs Play?
Pandian, Nguyen, Mirski & Bhatti, 2008
Percutaneous Tracheostomy: A Multidisciplinary Approach
Shikani, Miller & Elamin, 2015
Experimental Assessment and Future Applications of the Shikani Tracheostomy Speaking Valve
Swigert, 2015 [The ASHA Leader]
What’s Your Value? Acute Care Wants to Know When hospital administrators look to cut costs, everything is on the table. SLPs can protect themselves by bolstering efficiency and proving their value
Tippett, 2008
Management of Adults With Tracheostomy Across the Continuum of Care
Ward, Agius, Solley, Cornwell & Jones, 2008
Preparation, Clinical Support, and Confidence of Speech-Language Pathologists Managing Clients With a Tracheostomy in Australia
Ward, Baker, Wall, Duggan, Hancock, Bassett & Hyde, 2014
Can Human Mannequin-Based Simulation Provide a Feasible and Clinically Acceptable Method for Training Tracheostomy Management Skills for Speech-Language Pathologists?
Watson & Bell, 2014
Cultural Considerations in Tube Feeding Decision-Making
Windhorst, Harth & Wagoner, 2009 [ASHA Leader]
Patients Requiring Tracheostomy and Mechanical Ventilation: A Model for Interdisciplinary Decision-Making
Woodnorth, 2004
Assessing and Managing Medically Fragile Children: Tracheostomy and Ventilatory Support
July 19 - July 25, 2015 Readings
Creating Safe Simulated (SIM) Learning Environment for SLT/SLP students
Articles from ASHA
Brundage and Hancock, 2015
Real Enough: Using Virtual Public Speaking Environments to Evoke Feelings and Behaviors Targeted in Stuttering Assessment and Treatment
Gregg, 2013
Initial Counseling With Parents of Preschoolers who Stutter: Enhancing Graduate Students' Skills Using Simulated Caregivers
Harten, 2012
Role-Playing and its Carryover to Practice in Speech-Language Pathology
Jansen, 2015
The Benefits of Simulation-Based Education
Thistle and McNaughton, 2014
Teaching Active Listening Skills to Pre-Service Speech-Language Pathologists: A First Step in Supporting Collaboration with Parents of Young Children who Require AAC
Ward, Baker, Wall, Duggan, Hancock, Bassett and Hyde, 2014
Can Human Mannequin-Based Simulation Provide a Feasible and Clinically Acceptable Method for Training Tracheostomy Management Skills for Speech-Language Pathologists?
Article from Elsevier: Anesthesiology Clinics
Rudolph, Simon, Rivard, Dufresnes & Raemer, 2007
Debriefing with Good Judgement: Combining Rigorous Feedback with Genuine Inquiry. BUY
Article from AMC: Academic Medicine
Mann, van der Leuten, Eva, Armson, Chesluk, Dornan, Holmboe, Lockyer, Loney & Sargeant, 2011
Tensions in informed self-assessment: how the desire for feedback and reticence to collect and use it can conflict OA
Article from Springer: Advances in Health Sciences Education
Eva, Armson, Holmboe, Lockyer, Loney, Mann & Sargeant, 2012
Factors influencing responses to feedback: on the interplay between fear, confidence and reasoning processes OA
Article from Wiley: Academic Emergency Medicine
Rudolph, Simon, Raemer & Eppich, 2008
Debriefing as Formative Assessment: Closing Performance Gaps in Medical Education OA
Articles from Wolters-Kluwer: Simulation in Healthcare
Chung, Dieckmann, Issenberg & Barry, 2013
It is Time to Consider Cultural Differences in Debriefing OA
Dieckmann, Gaba & Rall, 2007
Deepening the Theoretical Foundations of Patient Simulation as Social Practice OA
Eppich & Cheng, 2015
Promoting Excellence and Reflective Learning in Simulation (PEARLS): Development and Rationale for a Blended Approach to Health Care Simulation Debriefing OA
Rudolph, Foldy, Robinson, Kendall, Taylor & Simon, 2013
Helping Without Harming: The Instructor’s Dilemma in Debriefing – A Case StudyOA
Rudolph, Raemer & Simon, 2014
Establishing a safe container for learning in simulation BUY
Voyer & Hatala, 2015
Debriefing and Feedback. Two sides of the same coin? OA
July 12 - July 18, 2015 Readings
Prosody in clinical practice
14-day Free Access Book Chapter: July 13-27
In a pleasing 'first' for @WeSpeechies, J&R Press have kindly enabled 14-day free access to Chapter 2 of 'Speech Prosody in Atypical Populations' by Vesna Stojanovik @StojanovikV and Jane Setter @JaneSetter. The chapter is 'Prosody in Two Genetic Disorders: Williams and Down syndrome' [download]. In it, the authors explore approaches to assessing prosody in these two populations of children, with coverage of the PEPS-C battery (Peppé, McCann and Gibbon, 2003), measurement of pitch range, and the use of perceptual data.
The current @WeSpeechies curator, Rachael-Anne Knight @r_a_knight, is a J&R co-author with Nicole Whitworth @NWhitworth1971, who curated the handle in June 2014. In their 'Methods in Teaching Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics' they showcase best practice in teaching and learning in the clinical linguistics and phonetics field.
Articles from ASHA 14-DAY FREE ACCESS
Ballard, Djaja, Arciuli, James, & van Doorn, 2012
Developmental trajectory for production of prosody: lexical stress contrastivity in children ages 3 to 7 years and in adults
Ballard, Robin, McCabe & McDonald, 2010
A treatment for dysprosody in childhood apraxia of speech
Behrman, 2014
Segmental and Prosodic Approaches to Accent Management
Coalson & Byrd, 2015
Metrical Encoding in Adults Who Do and Do Not Stutter
Fisher, Plante, Vance, Gerken & Glattke, 2007
Do Children and Adults With Language Impairment Recognize Prosodic Cues?
Gerken & McGregor, 1998
An Overview of Prosody and Its Role in Normal and Disordered Child Language
Hancock & Haskin, 2015
Speech-Language Pathologists' Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) Populations
Kehoe, 2001
Prosodic Patterns in Children's Multisyllabic Word Productions
Kjelgaard & Tager-Flusberg, 2013
The Perception of the Relationship Between Affective Prosody and the Emotional Content in Utterances in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders
Mira & Schwanenflugel, 2013
The Impact of Reading Expressiveness on the Listening Comprehension of Storybooks by Prekindergarten Children
Richards & Goswami, 2015
Auditory Processing in SLI: Relations with the Perception of Lexical and Phrasal Stress
Singh & Harrow, 2014
Influences of Semantic and Prosodic Cues on Word Repetition and Categorization in Autism FREE
Van Rees, Ballard, McCabe, Macdonald-D’Silva & Arciuli, 2012
Training Production of Lexical Stress in Typically Developing Children Using Orthographically Biased Stimuli and Principles of Motor Learning
Articles from Informa: Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics BUY
Volume 27, Number 8 (August 2013)
Prosody in Typical and Atypical Populations
Article from Informa: International Journal of Audiology BUY
Kalathottukaren, Purdy & Elaine Ballard, 2015
Prosody perception and musical pitch discrimination in adults using cochlear implants
Articles from Informa: International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology BUY
Volume 11, Number 4 2009
Scientific forum: Prosody in speech-language pathology
June 21 - June 27, 2015 Readings
The role of SLPs/SLTs in mental capacity assessment for adults
Articles from ASHA
Murray, 2012
Attention and Other Cognitive Deficits in Aphasia: Presence and Relation to Language and Communication Measures
Tippett & Sugarman, 1996
Discussing Advance Directives Under the Patient Self-Determination Act
Article in the International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders
Ferguson, Duffield & Worrall, 2010 | ePDF
Legal decision making by people with aphasia: critical incidents for speech pathologists.
Article in Advances in Clinical Neuroscience & Rehabilitation [Open Access Journal]
Palmer & Paterson, 2011
One Size Does Not Fit All: Obtaining informed consent from people with aphasia
Article in Clinical Rehabilitation
Mackenzie, 2008
Capacity to make a decision about discharge destination after stroke: a pilot study
Articles in Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation
Cruice, Worrall & Hickson, 2006
Perspectives of Quality of Life by People with Aphasia and Their Family: Suggestions for Successful Living
Eames, Hoffmann, Worrall & Read, 2011
Stroke Patients’ Awareness of Risk and Readiness to Change Behaviors
Knight, Worral & Rose, 2006
The Provision of Health Information to Stroke Patients Within an Acute Hospital Setting: What Actually Happens and How Do Patients Feel About It?
Pachet, Allan & Erskine, 2012
Assessment of Fluctuating Decision-Making Capacity in Individuals with Communication Barriers: A Case Study
Ferguson, n.d.
The contribution of speech pathology in legal and related matters involving people with aphasia
June 20, 2015: Open access until July 4 2015 Reading
DeBonis, 2015
It Is Time to Rethink Central Auditory Processing Disorder Protocols for School-Aged Children
June 14 - June 20, 2015 Readings
Treatment intensity and the impact on client outcomes:
How do #WeSpeechies manage?
Articles from the International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology Volume 14, Number 5 (October 2012)
courtesy ofInforma Healthcare for IJSLP.
Scientific forum: Optimal intervention intensity
Volume 14, Number 5 (October 2012)
Baker, 2012a: Lead Article
Optimal intervention intensity in speech-language pathology
Baker, 2012b: Response
Optimal intervention intensity in speech-language pathology: Discoveries, challenges, and unchartered territories
Cherney, 2012
Aphasia treatment: Intensity, dose parameters, and script training
Enderby, 2012
How much therapy is enough? The impossible question!
Kamhi, 2012
Pharmacological dosage concepts: How useful are they for educators and speech-language pathologists?
Logemann, 2012
Clinical efficacy and randomized clinical trials in dysphagia
Manes & Robin, 2012
A motor learning perspective for optimizing intervention intensity
Packman & Onslow, 2012
Investigating optimal intervention intensity with the Lidcombe Program of early stuttering intervention
Roy, 2012
Optimal dose–response relationships in voice therapy
Schmitt & Justice, 2012
Optimal intervention intensity for emergent literacy: What we know and need to learn
To, Law & Cheung, 2012
Treatment intensity in everyday clinical management of speech sound disorders in Hong Kong
Togher, 2012
Challenges inherent in optimizing speech-language pathology outcomes: It's not just about counting the hours
Williams, 2012
Intensity in phonological intervention: Is there a prescribed amount?
Yoder, Fey & Warren, 2012
Studying the impact of intensity is important but complicated
Zeng, Law & Lindsay, 2012
Characterizing optimal intervention intensity: The relationship between dosage and effect size in interventions for children with developmental speech and language difficulties
Articles from ASHA Journals and Perspectives
Allen, 2013
Intervention Efficacy and Intensity for Children With Speech Sound Disorder
Brandel & Loeb, 2011
Program Intensity and Service Delivery Models in the Schools: SLP Survey Results
Cleave, Becker, Curran, Van Horne & Fey, 2015
The Efficacy of Recasts in Language Intervention: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Eisenberg, 2014
What Works in Therapy: Further Thoughts on Improving Clinical Practice for Children With Language Disorders
Fey, Yoder, Warren & Bredin-Oja, 2013
Is More Better? Milieu Communication Teaching in Toddlers With Intellectual Disabilities
Kamhi, 2014
Improving Clinical Practices for Children With Language and Learning Disorders
Kreibich, Chen & Reichle, 2015
Teaching a Child with Autism to Request Breaks While Concurrently Increasing Task Engagement
Moyle & Berman, 2011
Speech-Language Pathologists Collaborating With Head Start To Improve Children’s Early Language and Literacy Skills: Efficacy and Intensity Effects
Murray, McCabe & Ballard, 2015
A Randomized Controlled Trial for Children With Childhood Apraxia of Speech Comparing Rapid Syllable Transition Treatment and the Nuffield Dyspraxia Programme –Third Edition
Parker-McGowan, Chen, Reichle, Pandit, Johnson & Kreibich, 2014
Describing Treatment Intensity in Milieu Teaching Interventions for Children With Developmental Disabilities: A Review
Ukrainetz, Ross & Harm, 2009
An Investigation of Treatment Scheduling for Phonemic Awareness With Kindergartners Who Are at Risk for Reading Difficulties
Wambaugh, Nessler, Cameron & Mauszycki, 2013
Treatment for Acquired Apraxia of Speech: Examination of Treatment Intensity and Practice Schedule
Winans-Mitrik, Hula, Dickey, Schumacher, Swoyer & Doyle, 2014
Description of an Intensive Residential Aphasia Treatment Program: Rationale, Clinical Processes, and Outcomes
Article from Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews
Warren, Fey & Yoder, 2007
Differential treatment intensity research: a missing link to creating optimally effective communication interventions
June 7 - June 13, 2015 Readings
Finding and sharing open access and free access journal articles to support EBP
A selection of the Open Access, Green Open Access and Free Access Articles Tweeted during the week, and beyond
Alexandrescu, Siegert & Turner-Stokes, 2015
The Northwick Park Therapy Dependency Assessment scale: A psychometric analysis from a large multicentre neurorehabilitation dataset
Baker & McCabe, 2011
The potential contribution of communication breakdown and repair in phonological intervention
Bishop, 2013
Problems with tense marking in children with specific language impairment: not how but when
Bishop, 2014
Ten questions about terminology for children with unexplained language problems
Bowen, Hesketh, Patchick, Young, Davies, Vail, Long, Watkins, Wilkinson, Peral, Lambon & Tyrrell, 2012
Effectiveness of enhanced communication therapy in the first four months after stroke for aphasia and dysarthria: a randomised controlled trial.
Cupples, Ching, Crowe, Seeto, Leigh, Street, Day, Marnane & Thomson, 2014
Outcomes of 3-year-old children with hearing loss and different types of additional disabilities
Blanchet, 2015
The Apprentice: A Model for Mentoring Students in Research in Communication Sciences and Disorders
Ebbels, 2014
Introducing the SLI debate
Ebbels, Marić, Murphy & Turner, 2014
Improving comprehension in adolescents with severe receptive language impairments: A randomized control trial of intervention for coordinating conjunctions
Hamdani, Mistry & Gibson, 2013
Transitioning to adulthood with a progressive condition: best practice assumptions and individual experiences of young men with Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Hemsley & Dann, 2015
Social media and social marketing in relation to facilitated communication: Harnessing the affordances of social media for knowledge translation
Hemsley, Dann, Palmer, Allan & Balandin, 2015
“We definitely need an audience”: experiences of Twitter, Twitter networks and tweet content in adults with severe communication disabilities who use augmentative and alternative communication (AAC)
Houghton, Schuchard, Lewis & Thompson, 2013
Promoting child-initiated social-communication in children with autism: Son-Rise Program intervention effects
Hsu & Bishop, 2014
Training understanding of reversible sentences: a study comparing language-impaired children with age-matched and grammar-matched controls.
Hume & Snowling, 2013
The interface between spoken and written language: developmental disorders
Iuzzini-Seigel, Hogan, Guarino & Green, 2015
Reliance on auditory feedback in children with childhood apraxia of speech
Iverach & Rapee, 2014
Social anxiety disorder and stuttering: Current status and future directions
Johnson, 2014
Understanding Why a Child Is Struggling to Learn: The Role of Cognitive Processing Evaluation in Learning Disability Identification
Kapa & Plante, 2015
Executive Function in SLI: Recent Advances and Future Directions
Lanyon, Rose & Worrall, 2013
The efficacy of outpatient and community-based aphasia group interventions: A systematic review
Lindsay, Kingsnorth, Mcdougall & Keating, 2014
A systematic review of self-management interventions for children and youth with physical disabilities
Sanjeevan, Rosenbaum, Miller, van Hell, Weiss & Mainela-Arnold, 2015
Motor Issues in Specific Language Impairment: a Window into the Underlying Impairment
Smith-Lock, Leitao, Lambert & Nickels, 2013
Effective intervention for expressive grammar in children with specific language impairment PDF
Luchesi, Kitamura & Mourão, 2015
Dysphagia progression and swallowing management in Parkinson's disease: an observational study
Masso, Baker, McLeod & McCormack, 2014
Identifying phonological awareness difficulties in preschool children with speech sound disorders
Mudge, Kayes & McPherson, 2015
Who is in control? Clinicians’ view on their role in self-management approaches: A qualitative metasynthesis
Murray, McCabe & Ballard, 2012
A comparison of two treatments for childhood apraxia of speech: Methods and treatment protocol for a parallel group randomised control trial
Norris & Kilbride, 2014
From dictatorship to a reluctant democracy: stroke therapists talking about self-management
Norbury, 2013
Sources of variation in developmental language disorders: evidence from eye-tracking studies of sentence production
Northcott & Hilari, 2011
Why do people lose their friends after a stroke?
Overby & Caspari, 2015
Open access until July 3, 2015
Volubility, consonant, and syllable characteristics in infants and toddlers later diagnosed with childhood apraxia of speech: A pilot study
Presentations and Publications
Pinnock, Epiphaniou, Pearce, Parke, Greenhalgh, Sheikh, Griffiths & Taylor, 2015
Implementing supported self-management for asthma: a systematic review and suggested hierarchy of evidence of implementation studies
Reilly, Bishop & Tomblin, 2014
Terminological debate over language impairment in children: Forward movement and sticking points
Reilly, Tomblin, Law, McKean, Mensah, Morgan, Goldfeld, Nicholson & Wake, 2014
Specific language impairment: A convenient label for whom?
Simmons-Mackie & Damico, 2011
Counseling and Aphasia Treatment: Missed Opportunities
Sowman, Crain, Harrison & Johnson, 2014
Lateralization of brain activation in fluent and non-fluent preschool children: a magnetoencephalographic study of picture-naming
Southwood & van Dulm, 2015
The challenge of linguistic and cultural diversity: Does length of experience affect South African speech-language therapists’ management of children with language impairment?
Suleman, McFarlane, Pollock, Schneider & Leroy, 2013
Do Students Talk the Talk? A Study of the use of Professional Vocabularies Among Student Speech-Language Pathologists and Teachers Through an Interprofessional Education Experience
Swineford, Thurm, Baird, Wetherby & Swedo, 2014
Social (pragmatic) communication disorder: A research review of this new DSM-5 diagnostic category
Thomas & Kaipa, 2015
The use of non-speech oral-motor exercises among Indian speech-language pathologists to treat speech disorders: An online survey
van Bysterveldt, Gillon & Foster-Cohen, 2014
A phonological awareness intervention case study of a child with Down syndrome
Van Noorden, 2013
Open access: The true cost of science publishing
Wake, Tobin, Levickis, Gold, Ukoumunne, Goldfeld, Law & Reilly, 2015 [pdf]
Randomized Trial of a Population-Based, Home-Delivered Intervention for Preschool Language Delay
Warhurst, McCabe, Heard, Yiu, Wang & Madill, 2014
Quantitative Measurement of Vocal Fold Vibration in Male Radio Performers and Healthy Controls Using High-Speed Videoendoscopy
Winkler, Bedford, Northcott & Hilari, 2014
Aphasia blog talk: How does stroke and aphasia affect the carer and their relationship with the person with aphasia?
June 1 - June 5, 2015 Readings
#WeSpeechies in Transit: Distance and Proximity in SLP/SLT
Blake-Huer, 2005
Acquisition of Culture From a Developmental Perspective
Duchan, 2012
Historical and Cultural Influences on Establishing Professional Legitimacy: A Case Example From Lionel Logue
'From the Editor', 2012
Do Demographic and Cultural Differences Exist in Adulthood?
Justice, 2010
International Collaborations
Kalkhoff & Collins, 2012
Speech-Language Pathologist Job Satisfaction in School Versus Medical Settings
May 24 - May 30, 2015 Readings
Improving Children’s Comprehension of Spoken Language in the Context of a Weak Evidence Base
Articles from ASHA journals
Cirrin, F. M. & Gillam, R. B. (2008). Language intervention practices for School-Age children With Spoken Language Disorders: A Systematic Review. Language, Speech and Hearing Services in Schools 39(Supplement), 110-137.
Dollaghan, C. & Kaston, N. (1986). A Comprehension Monitoring Program for Language-Impaired Children. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders 51(3), 264-271.
Oakes, A., Kover, S. T., & Abbeduto, L. (2013). Language Comprehension Profiles of Young Adolescents With Fragile X Syndrome. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 22(4), 615-626.
Montgomery, J. W. & Evans, J. L. (2009). Complex Sentence Comprehension and Working Memory in Children With Specific Language Impairment. Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research 52(2), 269-288.
Roberts, M. Y. & Kaiser, A. P. (2011). The Effectiveness of Parent-Implemented Language Interventions: A Meta-Analysis. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 20(3), 180-199.
Skarakis-Doyle, E., Dempsey, L. & Lee, C. (2008). Identifying Language Comprehension Impairment in Preschool Children. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools 39(1), 54-65.
Starling, J., Munro, N., Togher, L., & Arciuli, J. (2012). Training Secondary School Teachers in Instructional Language Modification Techniques to Support Adolescents With Language Impairment: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools 43(4), 474-495.
van Kleeck, A., Schwarz, A. L., Fey, M., Kaiser, A., Miller, J., & Weitzman, E. (2010). Should We Use Telegraphic or Grammatical Input in the Early Stages of Language Development With Children Who Have Language Impairments? A Meta-Analysis of the Research and Expert Opinion. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 19(1), 3-21.
van Kleeck, A., Vander Woude, J., & Hammett, L. (2006). Fostering Literal and Inferential Language Skills in Head Start Preschoolers With Language Impairment Using Scripted Book-Sharing Discussions. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 15(1), 85-95.
Walters, D. B. & Chapman, R. S. (2000). Comprehension Monitoring: A Developmental Effect? American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 9(1), 48-54.
Articles from other journals, etc.
Boyle, J., McCartney, E., Forbes, J., & O’Hare, A. (2007)
An RCT and Economic Evaluation of Direct Versus Indirect and Individual Versus Group Modes of Speech and Language Therapy for Children with Primary Language Impairment.
Boyle, J., McCartney, E., O'Hare, A., & Law, J. (2010)
Intervention for mixed receptive–expressive language impairment: A review.
Ebbels, S. (2014)
Effectiveness of intervention for grammar in school-aged children with primary language impairments: A review of the evidence.
Ebbels, S. H., Marić, N., Murphy, A. & Turner, G. (2014)
Improving comprehension in adolescents with severe receptive language impairments: a randomized control trial of intervention for coordinating conjunctions.
Hsu, H. & Bishop, D. V. M. (2014)
Training understanding of reversible sentences: a study comparing language-impaired children with age-matched and grammar-matched controls.
McCartney, E. (Ed) (2007)
The Language Therapy Manual.
Riches, N. G. (2013)
Treating the passive in children with specific language impairment: A usage-based approach.
Roy, P., Chiat, S., & Dodd, B. (2014)
Language and Socioeconomic Disadvantage: From Research to Practice.
May 17 - May 23, 2015 Readings
Collaborative Teams of All Types:
Implementing Team Models in Speech Language Pathology Services
Boyle, M. P. (2015). Relationships Between Psychosocial Factors and Quality of Life for Adults Who Stutter. American Journal of Speech Language Pathology, 24(1), 1-12.
Burns, M., Baylor, C., Dudgeon, B. J., Starks, H., & Yorkston, K. (2015). Asking the Stakeholders: Perspectives of Individuals with Aphasia, Their Family Members, and Physicians Regarding Communication in Medical Interactions. American Journal of Speech Language Pathology, [Advance online publication], doi: 10.1044/2.
Coleman, J. J., Frymark, T., Franceschini, N. M., & Theodoros, D. G. (2015). Assessment and Treatment of Cognition and Communication Skills in Adults With Acquired Brain Injury via Telepractice: A Systematic Review. American Journal of Speech Language Pathology, [Advance online publication], 1-21. doi: 10.1044/2015_AJSLP-14-0028.
Donaldson, A. L. & Stahmer, A. C. (2014). Team Collaboration: The Use of Behavior Principles for Serving Students With ASD. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 45(4), 261-276.
Knollman Porter, K., Constantinidou, F., & Marron, K. H. (2014). Speech-Language Pathology and Concussion Management in Intercollegiate Athletics: The Miami University Concussion Management Program. American Journal of Speech Language Pathology, 23(4), 507-519. doi.
Banks, P. & Knuth, R. (2013). Working as a Team: The New Conception of Professionalism. Perspectives on School-Based Issues, 14(2), 18-21.
Brockett, J., Ralphs, J., & Dye, D. (2014). Experiences With a Transdisciplinary Approach to the Assessment of Patients With Dizziness and/or Balance Concerns. Perspectives on Hearing and Hearing Disorders: Research and Diagnostics, 18(1), 4-10.
Brouwer, K. & Messersmith, J. J. (2013). Effective Supervisory Practices in an Interdisciplinary Clinical Setting. Perspectives on Administratio0n and Supervision, 23(3), 145-149.
Roush, J. & Wilson, K. (2013). Interdisciplinary Assessment of Children With Hearing Loss and Multiple Disabilities. Perspectives on Hearing and Hearing Disorders in Childhood, 23(1), 13-26.
ASHA Leader
Goswitz, C., Adams, A., & Matlock, R. (2014). Private Ties: These communication sciences and disorders professionals may be in private practice, but their treatment success depends on close work with specialists in other disciplines. The ASHA Leader, 19(1), 48-52.
McCrea, E. (2014). Wanted: A Community of Leaders. The ASHA Leader, 19(6), 6-7.
Prelock, P. (2013). From the President: The Magic of Interprofessional Teamwork. The ASHA Leader, 18(6), 5-6.
Rogers, M. & Nunez, L. (2013). From My Perspective: How Do We Make Interprofessional Collaboration Happen? The ASHA Leader, 18(6), 7-8.
Australian Policies
Speech Pathology Australia (2009) Policy Statement: Transdisciplinary Practice {pdf}
Gilbert, K. (2008). The evidence base for an effective chronic disease collaborative {pdf}
May 10 - May 16, 2015 Readings
Screen time and child development:
Exploring the impact of audiovisual and interactive screens from all angles
Articles from ASHA Journals
Caron, 2015
“We Bought an iPad”: Considering Family Priorities, Needs, and Preferences as an AAC Support Provider
Carey, O'Brian, Lowe, and Onslow, 2014
Webcam Delivery of the Camperdown Program for Adolescents Who Stutter: A Phase II Trial
de Domingo, 2013
Assistive Technology for Cognition: Perspectives on Funding
Gentry, 2014
Mobile Technologies as Cognitive-Behavioral Aids
Hershberger, 2011
Mobile Technology and AAC Apps From an AAC Developer’s Perspective
Leighton, 2015
Collaboration in This Environment of Mobile Technology and Change: One Clinician's Perspective
Smith, Herd, Epperly, and Cox, 2011
Technology: Clinical and Technological Innovations: Use of the Apple iPad in Clinical Supervision
Wagovich, Hill, and Petroski, 2015
Semantic–Syntactic Partial Word Knowledge Growth Through Reading
Wild, 2014
Principles of App Selection and Training After Brain Injury
Articles from other journals
Costigan, Barnett, Plotnikoff, and Lubans, 2012
The Health Indicators Associated With Screen-Based Sedentary Behavior Among Adolescent Girls: A Systematic Review
Dutch, Fisher, Ensari, and Harrington, 2013
Screen time use in children under 3 years old: a systematic review of correlates
Kesten, Sebire, Turner, Stewart-Brown, Bentley, and Jago, 2015
Associations between rule-based parenting practices and child screen viewing: A cross-sectional study
Tremblay, LeBlanc, Kho, Saunders, Larouche, Colley, Goldfield, and Gorber, 2011
Systematic review of sedentary behaviour and health indicators in school-aged children and youth
May 3 to May 9, 2015 Readings
Building a private practice: Strategies for creating an ethical, sustainable and progressive balance in a speech pathology service
Articles from ASHA Journals
Emm and Cecconi, 2011
Leadership in Teaching: Using Student Perspectives on Administration, Supervision and Private Practice
Nikjeh and Carroll, 2010
Making the Move to Private Practice: Using Your Sense To Make Cents
Payne, 1992
Aspects of Private Practice
Trulove and Fitch, 1998
Accountability Measures Employed by Speech-Language Pathologists in Private Practice
3 Articles on the ASHA website
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, n.d.
Bilingual Service Delivery (Practice Portal)
Ehren, Montgomery, Rudebusch and Whitmire, n.d.
Responsiveness to Intervention: New Roles for Speech-Language Pathologists
See also 2006 article on the Reading Rockets website
Page, 2010
The Rockcastle Project: A Model for Interprofessional Clinical Education in a Rural Medical Center
Articles from the ASHA Leader - always open access (#OA)
Goswitz, Adams and Matlock, 2014
Private Ties. These communication sciences and disorders professionals may be in private practice, but their treatment success depends on close work with specialists in other disciplines.
Doughtery, 2013
In Private Practice: What Would You Do? Solo practitioners and practice owners may face ethically tricky situations related to billing, accepting patients, discharging patients and other issues. Consider these typical scenarios.
Dougherty, 2014a
8 Deadly Private Practice Don’ts
Dougherty and Krebs, 2014
The Magnificent Seven: Considering Making the Jump to Private Practice? First Make Sure You Nail these Seven Must-Dos for Success.
Mancinelli and Amster, 2015
Rethinking Clinical Education: To keep pace with the demand for SLPs, graduate programs need to increase their capacity. But for that to happen, the rules for clinical education must change.
Matlock, 2013
In Private Practice: It's All About Relationships
Murray Law, 2014
Words without walls. A private practice trades bricks and mortar for an exclusive focus on telepractice and home and school visits. Can the new model work for its speech-language services and overall survival? Time will tell. And insurance reimbursement will be key.
Newhouse, 2013
In Private Practice: Am I Charging Too Much? Not Enough?
Pierotti, 2014
Make It Work: How to Sustain a Part-Time Practice
1 Article from other journals
Oandasant and Reeves, 2005 pdf
Key elements for interprofessional education. Part 1: The learner, the educator and the learning context
April 26 to May 2, 2015 Readings
Parents as Very Important Partners (VIPs):
How can we work together to optimise outcomes?
Dukbovny and Kelly, 2015
Practical Resources for Provision of Services to Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Users of AAC
Finke, Drager, and Serpentine, 2015
"It's Not Humanly Possible to Do Everything”: Perspectives on Intervention Decision-Making Processes of Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Kaiser and Hancock, 2004
Teaching Parents to Support Their Children’s Communication: Adaptations for AAC
Kaiser & Roberts, 2013
Parents as Communication Partners: An Evidence-Based Strategy for Improving Parent Support for Language and Communication in Everyday Settings
Moore, Hyde-Smith, Pratt and McKight, 2011
Pathways to Assessment of Learning: A Family-Centered, Culturally Responsive Approach to Transdisciplinary Assessment in Early Childhood
Roberts and Kaiser, 2011
The Effectiveness of Parent-Implemented Language Interventions: A Meta-Analysis
Romski, Sevcik, Adamson, Smith, Cheslock, and Bakeman, 2011
Parent Perceptions of the Language Development of Toddlers With Developmental Delays Before and After Participation in Parent-Coached Language Interventions
Stoner, 2013
A Model for Coaching Parents to Implement Teaching Strategies With Their Young Children With Language Delay or Developmental Disabilities
Thistle and McNaughton, 2015
Teaching Active Listening Skills to Pre-Service Speech-Language Pathologists: A First Step in Supporting Collaboration With Parents of Young Children Who Require AAC
van Kleeck, 2013
Guiding Parents From Diverse Cultural Backgrounds to Promote Language Skills in Preschoolers With Language Disorders: Two Challenges and Proposed Solutions for Them
April 19 to April 25, 2015 Readings
Simulation as a Learning and Teaching Tool in SLT/SLP Education
Brundage and Hancock, 2015
Real Enough: Using Virtual Public Speaking Environments to Evoke Feelings and Behaviors Targeted in Stuttering Assessment and Treatment
Gregg, 2013
Initial Counseling With Parents of Preschoolers who Stutter: Enhancing Graduate Students' Skills Using Simulated Caregivers
Friberg, Ginsberg, Visconti, and Schober-Peterson, 2013 ASHA Leader Free Access
This Isn't the Same Old Book Learning: Learn about interprofessional education and patient simulations at the 2013 ASHA Convention.
Purves, Petersen, and Puurveen, 2013
An Aphasia Mentoring Program: Perspectives of Speech‐Language Pathology Students and of Mentors With Aphasia
Ward, Baker, Wall, Duggan, Hancock, Bassett, and Hyde, 2014
Can Human Mannequin-Based Simulation Provide a Feasible and Clinically Acceptable Method for Training Tracheostomy Management Skills for Speech-Language Pathologists?
Zraik, 2002
The Use of Standardized Patients in Speech-Language Pathology.
Zraick, Harten, and Hagstrom, 2014
Interprofessional Education and Practice: A Primer for Training Future Clinicans
April 12 to April 18, 2015 Readings
Topic: Making Sense of Interventions for Children’s Developmental Difficulties | @TxChoices
Apel, K. (1999). Checks and balances: Keeping the science in our profession. Language, Speech & Hearing Services in Schools, 30, 98-107.
Bernstein Ratner, N. (2006). Evidence-based practice: An examination of its ramifications for the practice of speech-language pathology. Language, Speech & Hearing Services in Schools, 37, 257-267. FROM ASHA
Clark, H. M. (2003). Neuromuscular treatments for speech and swallowing: A tutorial. American Journal of Speech Language Pathology, 12(4), 400-415. FROM ASHA
Dixon, D. (2014). What ‘Using EBP’ Really Means. The ASHA Leader, 19, 28-29. ASHA Leader Free Access
Duchan, J. F. (2010). The Early Years of Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in U.S. Schools. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 41(2), 152-160.
Finn, P. Bothe, A. & Bramlett, R. (2005, August). Science and pseudoscience in communication disorders: Criteria and applications. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 14, 172-186.
Hewitt, L. (2008). Investigating Novel Interventions for ASD: On Swimming With Dolphins. Perspectives on Language Learning and Education, 15, 85-88.
Kamhi, A. (2004). A meme’s eye view of speech-language pathology. Language, Speech, and Hearing in the Schools, 35, 105-111.
Kamhi, A. G. (2011). Balancing certainty and uncertainty in clinical practice. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 42(1), 59-64.
Kenny, B., Lincoln, M., & Balandin, S. (2010). Experienced speech-language pathologists’ responses to ethical dilemmas: An integrated approach to ethical reasoning. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 19, 121-134.
Lof, G. & Ruscello, D. (2013, October). Don’t blow this therapy session! Perspectives in Speech Science and Orofacial Disorders. 38-48.
McCauley, R.J., Strand, E., Lof, G. L., Schooling, T. & Frymark, T. (2009). Evidence-Based Systematic Review: Effects of Nonspeech Oral Motor Exercises on Speech, American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 18, 343-360.
McConville, K. & Thibeault, S. L. (2014). Empowering Clinicians to Effectively Engage in Research. Perspectives on Voice and Voice Disorders, 24, 9-14.
Michie, S. & Abraham, C. (2004). Identifying techniques that promote health behaviour change: Evidence based or evidence inspired? Psychology and Health, 19, 29-49.
Nail-Chiwetalu, B. J., & Bernstein Ratner, N. (2007). An assessment of the information-seeking abilities and needs of practicing speech-language pathologists, Journal of the Medical Library Association, 95, 182–188.
Ratcliff, A., Swartz, B. & Ivanitskaya, L. (2013). Information Literacy Skills in Speech-Language Pathology Students: Skill Differences Across Academic Levels, Contemporary Issues in Communication Sciences and Disorders, 40(1), 31-39.
Storkel, H. (2015). Undergraduate Research: Not Just for the Résumé. The ASHA Leader, 20, 32-33. ASHA Leader Free Access
April 5 to April 11, 2015 Readings
Tweeting, listening, lurking, and learning on Twitter:
The warp and weft of Twitter
Allen and Shane, 2014
The Evaluation of Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder: Adaptations to Accommodate a Telepractice Model of Clinical Care
Anderson, Balandin, Stancliffe and Layfield, 2014
Parents' Perspectives on Tele-AAC Support for Families with a New Speech Generating Device: Results from an Australian Pilot Study
Brundage and Hancock, 2014
Real Enough: Using Virtual Public Speaking Environments to Evoke Feelings and Behaviors Targeted in Stuttering Assessment and Treatment
Davis, 2013
Exploring Virtual PLCs: Professional development for the busy practitioner
Finke, Hickerson and McLaughlin, 2015
Parental Intention to Support Video Game Play by Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior
Laughran and Sackett, 2015
Telesupervision and ASHA's Tasks of Supervision
Nippold, 2015
Call for Studies in Implementation Science: Improving Reading Comprehension in School-Age Children
Theodoros, 2011
Telepractice in Speech-Language Pathology: The Evidence, the Challenges, and the Future
Thistle and McNaughton, 2014
Teaching Active Listening Skills to Pre-Service Speech-Language Pathologists: A First Step in Supporting Collaboration With Parents of Young Children Who Require AAC
Ward, Baker, Wall, Duggan, Hancock, Bassett and Hyde, 2014
Can Human Mannequin-Based Simulation Provide a Feasible and Clinically Acceptable Method for Training Tracheostomy Management Skills for Speech-Language Pathologists?
March 29 - April 4, 2015 Readings
Making great services for people with learning disability/intellectual disability
Brady, Fleming, Thiemann-Bourque, Olswang, Dowden, Saunders and Marquis
Development of the Communication Complexity Scale
Burgess and Turkstra, 2010
Quality of Communication Life in Adolescents With High-Functioning Autism and Asperger Syndrome: A Feasibility Study
Clegg, Ansorge, Stackhouse and Donlan, 2012
Developmental Communication Impairments in Adults: Outcomes and Life Experiences of Adults and Their Parents
Meuris, Maes, De Meyer and Zink, 2014
Manual Signing in Adults With Intellectual Disability: Influence of Sign Characteristics on Functional Sign Vocabulary
Ruppar, 2014
“Knowledge is Power”: Reading, Writing, and Promoting Self-Determination among Adolescents with Multiple Disabilities
Schweigert, 2012
Understanding the Importance of the Partner in Communication Development for Individuals With Sensory and Multiple Disabilities
March 15 - March 21, 2015 Reading
Topic: Innovation and change: How can Continuing Professional Development (CPD) be made more accessible for SLPs/SLTs?
Online workshop courtesy of the Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists (RCSLT)
Reflective writing e-learning workshop
March 8 - March 14, 2015 Readings
Topic: Research to practice and schoolchildren with language difficulties
Brandel and Frome Loeb, 2011
Program Intensity and Service Delivery Models in the Schools: SLP Survey Results
Ebbels, van der Lely and Dockrell, 2007
Intervention for Verb Argument Structure in Children With Persistent SLI: A Randomized Control Trial
Elledge, Hasselbeck, Hobek, Combs, Raisor-Becker and Creaghead, 2010
Perspectives on Preparing Graduate Students To Provide Educationally Relevant Services in Schools
Finestack, 2012
Five Principles to Consider When Providing Narrative Language Intervention to Children and Adolescents With Developmental Disabilities
Finke, Drager and Serpentine, 2015
It's Not Humanly Possible to Do Everything”: Perspectives on Intervention Decision-Making Processes of Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Gillham and Gillham, 2014
Improving Clinical Services: Be Aware of Fuzzy Connections Between Principles and Strategies
Hoffman, Ireland, Hall-Mills and Flynn, 2013
Evidence-Based Speech-Language Pathology Practices in Schools: Findings From a National Survey
Kamhi, 2014
Improving Clinical Practices for Children With Language and Learning Disorders
Karasinski, 2013
Behavior Problems and Social Functioning in Adolescents With Language Impairment
Leonard, 2013
Identifying Children with Specific Language Impairment
Petersen and Spencer, 2012
The Narrative Language Measures: Tools for Language Screening, Progress Monitoring, and Intervention Planning
Scott, 2014
One Size Does Not Fit All: Improving Clinical Practice in Older Children and Adolescents With Language and Learning Disorders
Thomas and Lance, 2014
Effects of School-Wide Intervention on Literacy Learning: The SLPs Support
Thordardottir, Cloutier, Ménard, Pelland-Blais and Rvachew, 2014
Monolingual or Bilingual Intervention for Primary Language Impairment? A Randomized Control Trial
Throneburg, Calvert, Sturm, Paraboukas and Paul, 2000
A Comparison of Service Delivery Models
Ukrainetz, 2006
The Implications of RTI and EBP for SLPs: Commentary on L. M. Justice
Ward-Lonergan and Duthie, 2013
Expository Discourse Intervention for Adolescents With Language Disorders
March 1 - March 7, 2015
Topic: @WeSpeechies 1st Anniversary week
No articles requested
February 22 - February 28, 2015 Readings
Topic: Strategic planning: objectives, deliverables and future directions
ASHA Leader 2014
Public Policy Agenda Adds Scope of Practice, Demonstration of Value ASHA Leader Free Access
How to Best Position the Profession of Audiology Within the Landscape of Our Changing Health Care Environment: A Professional Organization’s View
Pierce 2012
Speech-Language Pathology in the Peace Corps: Necessity and Sustainability
Rogers & Nunez 2013
From My Perspective: How Do We Make Interprofessional Collaboration Happen? ASHA Leader Free Access
Strengthening Relationship between the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) and the Pan American Health Organization, Regional Office for the Americas of the World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO)
February 15 to February 21, 2015 Readings
Publishing YOUR research in an academic journal
Craig, J. 2014
Establishing a Clinical Research Collaboration: An SLP Perspective
Ebbels, S. 2014
Effectiveness of intervention for grammar in school-aged children with primary language impairments: A review of the evidence
Ebert, K. D., Konhert, K., Pham, G., Disher, J. R. & Payesteh, B. 2012
Three Treatments for Bilingual Children With Primary Language Impairment: Examining Cross-Linguistic and Cross-Domain Effects
Hart, S. B. & Kleinhans, K. A. 2014
Modeling Evidence-Based Practice for Graduate Clinicians: Perspectives from Off-Site Clinical Supervisors in Medical Settings
Kamhi, A. G. 2014
Improving Clinical Practices for Children with Language and Learning Disorders
Ratner, N. B. 2006
Evidence-Based Practice: An Examination of its Ramifications for the Practice of Speech-Language Pathology
February 8 - February 14, 2015 Readings
Stories with Aphasia
Cherney, L. R., Halper, A. S., Holland, A. L. & Cole, R. 2008
Computerized script training for aphasia: Preliminary results
Cherney, L. R., Kaye, R. C., van Vuuren, S. 2014
Acquisition and maintenance of scripts in aphasia: A comparison of two cuing conditions
Edmonds, L. A., Mammino, K. & Ojeda, K. 2014
Effect of Verb Network Strengthening Treatment (VNeST) in persons with aphasia: Extension and replication of previous findings
Goldberg, S., Haley, K. L., & Jacks, A. 2012
Script training and generalization for people with aphasia
Griffith, J., Dietz, A. & Weissling, K. 2014
Supporting narrative retells for people with aphasia using augmentative and alternative communication: Photographs or line drawings? Text or no text?
Holland, A. L., Halper, A. & Cherney, L. R. 2010
Tell me your story: Analysis of script topics selected by persons with aphasia
Milman, M, Vega-Mendoza, M. & Clendenen, D. 2014
Integrated training for aphasia: An application of part-whole learning to treat lexical retrieval, sentence production, and discourse-level communications in three cases of nonfluent aphasia
Raymer, A. M., Beeson, P., Holland, A. L., Kendall, D., Maher, L. M., Martin, N., Murray, L., Rose, M., Thompson, C., Turkstra, L. et al. 2008
Translational research in aphasia: From neuroscience to neurorehabilitation
Rider, J. D., Wright, H. H., Marshall, R. C. & Page, J. L. 2008
Using semantic feature analysis to improve contextual discourse in adults with aphasia
Winrans-Mitrik, R. L., Hula, W. D., Dickey, M. W., Schumacher, J. G., Swoyer, B. & Doyle, P. J. 2014
Description of an intensive residential aphasia treatment program: Rationale, clinical processes, and outcomes
February 1 - February 7, 2015 Readings
How #WeSpeechies can tell the world who we are and what we do
No articles requested
December 14 - December 20, 2014
What are you SUPPOSED to be doing?
No articles requested
December 7 - December 13, 2014 Readings
Simulation in SLP/SLT clinical education
Friberg, J., Ginsberg, S., Visconti, C. & Schober-Peterson, S. 2013
Academic Edge: This Isn't the Same Old Book Learning ASHA Leader Free Access
Ward, E., Agius, E., Solley, E., Cornwell, P. & Jones, C. 2008
Preparation, Clinical Support, and Confidence of Speech-Language Pathologists Managing Clients With a Tracheostomy in Australia
Ward, E. C., Baker, S. C., Wall, L. R., Duggan, B. L. J., Hancock, J. L., Bassett, L. V. & Hyde, T. J. 2014
Can Human Mannequin-Based Simulation Provide a Feasible and Clinically Acceptable Method for Training Tracheostomy Management Skills for Speech-Language Pathologists?
Zraick, R. I. ND
The Use of Standardized Patients in Communication Sciences and Disorders
November 30 - December 6, 2014 Readings
Clinical practice with multilingual clients and their families
Goldstein, B. A., Fabiano, L. & Washington, P.S. 2005
Phonological Skills in Predominantly English-Speaking, Predominantly Spanish-Speaking, and Spanish-English Bilingual Children
Kiran, S., Sandberg, C., Gray, T., Ascenso, E. & Kester, E. 2013
Rehabilitation in Bilingual Aphasia: Evidence for Within‐ and Between‐Language Generalization
Konhert, K., Yim, D, Nett, K., Kan, P. F. U Duran, L. 2005
Intervention with Linguistically Diverse Preschool Children A Focus on Developing Home Language(s)
McLeod, S. & Verdon, S. 2014
A Review of 30 Speech Assessments in 19 Languages Other Than English
Morrow, A., Goldstein, B. A., Gilhool, A. & Paradis, J. 2013
Phonological Skills in English Language Learners
Paradis, J. 2005
Grammatical Morphology in Children Learning English as a Second Language Implications of Similarities with Specific Language Impairment
Paradis, J., Schneider, P. & Duncan, T. S. 2012
Discriminating Children with Language Impairment Among English-Language Learners from Diverse First-Language Backgrounds
Peña, E. D., Gillham, R. B. & Bedore, L.M. 2014
Dynamic Assessment of Narrative Ability in English Accurately Identifies Language Impairment in English Language Learners
Restrepo, M. A. 1998
Identifiers of Predominantly Spanish-Speaking Children With Language Impairment
Thordardottir, E., Cloutier, G., Ménard, S., Pelland-Blais, E. & Rvachew, S. 2014
Monolingual or Bilingual Intervention for Primary Language Impairment? A Randomized Control Trial